Friday, September 30, 2016

breastfeeding game of thrones

breastfeeding game of thrones

please come, please come didi. pleasebe seated. where were you going? i was coming to you didi. please have a seat how is your child? yes, he is good. didi, your child is looking very healthy.what are you feeding him? now, i am feeding my milk only. feeding your milk only? see, babu is only 5 monthold and that is why do not

give him honey, dal water,water or any kind of food. okay. so you don’t feed him other food? yes didi. not even water. he gets everythingfrom mother milk like water, milk etc. okay didi, please tell me somethingabout the benefits of mother milk. first of all, mother milk isvery good to fight against any disease and it helps tokeep good health of child. okay didi. whatmore? second point is, child will neverhave gas issue if he/she having mother milk thus child willalways be healthy and never cry.

okay didi. third point is breast feeding helpsin developing teeth and jaws. okay. fourth point is, mother milk will sharpenchild brain and will become agile. that's really great. fifth point is, child gets everythingfrom mother milk, whatever mother eat, that is enough andgives everything to child. in the summer, we givewater to our child thinking he is thirstybut no need to do that

because mohter milk have wateras well so additionally it does not require. you need avoidother things than mother milk. but people often give waterin the summer to our child. yes, but you have to stop them too.didi, does not feed water to the child, only feed mothermilk to him/her till sox month because he gets water frommother milk itself. so please feed your milk only and takecare about this in future. i have noticed that withinthe first 6 month we have to feed our milk only becauseit helps in children growth.

you have to feed your milk can slowly start feeding otherfood after six month. till six months only? yes, from 1st day of seventh monthyou can start feeding other food. please tell me didi, can istart feeding food like dal water and other thingsfrom seventh month? yes, but feed only mothermilk till six month. okay didi. you told me very importantinformation. now, i have to leave. no, no. i have only told youabout the children but you need

to know about mother as well.please need to listen that also. mother’s concern is also important? yes, mother’s things are also important. okay. please tell me. breast feeding can preventuterus and breast cancer. yes, i heard about itfrom my friends that sometimes it causesuterus and breast cancer. okay. so you need to feed moreamount of mother milk to your child to prevent yourself fromuterus and breast cancer.

so do regular breast feeding to your child. okay didi and breast feedingalso prevent early pregnancy so do regular breast feeding.okay didi? now take care. didi, i am going to tell you thatfeeding thick yellow milk to our child sharpens child brain,preventing him/her from diseases and it gives protein, vitamin a, and otheressential things in the first 3 days. please keep feeding it toyour child, it will not harm to your child so donot avoid feeding it. normally, we feed othermilk too but it is not

helpful. thick yellow milkis very helpful to child which sharpens brains andprevent from all types of disease. you pleasetake care about it. in the earlier time, some people werenot allowed to feed yellow thick milk even they asked to avoid it.they were considering it useless. no didi, the first thick yellowmilk should not be avoided and should be feed to child afterhalf an hour of the birth. it is very beneficial to child evenprevents from the diseases. you keep feeding your milk withoutlistening to anyone. okay didi?

okay. didi, how to breast feed child? i’ll show you how to do.your child should be in this position while feeding so thatit he/she can easily feed. that’s why you have to keep childcloser to your breast and so that the child start sucking need to make sure that he should feed properly butnot let him leave feeding. if he feel satisfied thenhe will leave itself. we were talking about how to feel, i am going to tell you that how many times youneed to feed child in a day.

you need to feed after every 2hours of interval and whenever he cries feed him/her. do not let himcry, whenever he cries feed him. now the second point is, child shouldbe feed at the peaceful place and give him sufficient time for feeding,only then he will be satisfied. you should not feed him in hurrybecause he won’t be satisfied so you need to give moretime for feeding. okay didi? now the third point is, start feedingother food from 1st day of seventh month. but don’t stop feeding dueto other food, till two years you have to feedmother milk with other food.

till two years? yes, till two years. it is notlike we stop feeding mother milk. okay didi. now, please take care in, it’s time to leave now. my baby must be crying. i haveto feed him. bye for now. thank you thank you didi. bye

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