Tuesday, September 27, 2016

breastfeeding for husband images

breastfeeding for husband images

- hi friends and welcomeback to amanda mu's. i'm gonna be giving you an update today on breastfeeding with jack because if you have missed the last few vlogs, don't miss the vlogs, subscribe hit the bell get notified, you know all the tricks. because between you and me there's been a littlechange in some of the way

that youtube is doing things. i mean, there's a lot of changes. so you have got to hit thatbell if you like my videos, and then you'll get notified about them. i'm planning live q anda's for the new year and so i'm going to betesting that out in january and i don't want you to miss it so, subscribe, hit the bell, okay i've said it enough.

now back to today's video. i am done breastfeeding with jack. can you believe it? i'm in shock. i still almost can't believe it's over. it's kind of crazy. if you're new my son jack isgoing to be three in march. so we finished breastfeedingas of 32 months. i don't usually count months,

but the other day i sat there and just counted out onmy fingers just to see. because with esme, we went to 22 months. so i was curious to see how much longer i actually nursed jack. and so yeah, wow. so in the end, i endedup breastfeeding jack ten months longer than esme. and i'm going to link some videos below

and you can also click the i, to see those videos that i've talked about our breastfeeding journey in the past, and how i weaned esme. but it's been completelydifferent this time. wen i was nursing my first, i was still, i was pregnant with jack. and so that hormone change and all of that really sped up the process

in me wanting to wean from breastfeeding. with jack on the other hand, and i've said this many times, that it's relationship and when one of us showssigns of wanting to stop i'm going to make it happen. jack showed no signs of slowing down, but me, recently in thelast few months for sure, like since the end of summer,

i've just started to experience a ton of breastfeeding aversion. i do talk about that in a video below, i'll link it down there. just because there is so much to say on the subject of breastfeeding, that i don't want to goon forever in this one. but i could, so i have to limit myself. so i just started toexperience a lot of aversion.

and long story short, it's basically your body saying i'm done. it's not even like a mental thing. because mentally i couldhave continued breastfeeding. but physically, i just, i wouldrather have scaled a wall, jumped out a windowand run down the block. i'm not even kidding,it sounds so dramatic, but it's true. so i promised myself that by christmas

we were going to be done, however i found a way to do that. and then in october, so really, so the weaning process, i can honestly pinpoint a date. it was buffer fest in toronto, and i spent the night away in a hotel. that was amazing, i alsohave a video about that. i mean i pretty much videoeverything so links below.

but i went to buffer fest, met up with a bunch ofcreators that i know also parenting creatorsand non parenting creators. and spent a night alone in a hotel. it was the greatest sleep of my life. the next day i checked up with dean and it turns out jack actually didn't have as difficult a time as we thought. he was obviously a little bitchoked that i wasn't there

to breastfeed him tosleep and then we co sleep and then i would nurse him in the evening. so to kind of take it back, where we were in terms of breastfeeding was pretty much breastfeeding to sleep and then occasionallythroughout the night. nothing extreme, we werenot breastfeeding in the day unless something happenedwhere he fell down then we would.

but otherwise, that was it. so me going away for anight was significant cause that is how jack was put to sleep. so he managed it, he survived,the whole family was fine. i was like okay. i had this idea in the back of my mind that it would be the beginning of the end, i felt like, if we had been away for a night.

and truth be told it was. so i wasn't away, ihaven't been away since. but i have had things andevents that have taken me away from the house later in the evening. you know where i'm going into toronto, or i'm just out with girlfriends or work events or whatever. and it just so happened that jack wasn't nursed to sleep those nights.

and he survived. and then it happened, i would say i think it'sbeen about a month now. so yeah coming up on abouta month i thnk today. today's been a month. but i basically went to a friends house. oh no, so we went to bed, it was friday night, and jack was really tired andhe didn't breastfeed to sleep.

i just tickled his back and off he went. and i thought, oh i wonder if this is it. and then nothing in the night, and then we woke up the next day didn't ask for anything and i thought i'm not going to offer. cause i want this to end. i was ready i was very much ready. and didn't ask for it that night.

didn't ask for it, went straight to bed. i thought, wow i think this is it, and you guys that was it. i can't believe it, with esme, i mean watchthat weaning video. it was like the single hardestthing i've ever had to do, aside from child birth, but it was insane. she was not ready, she was very upset. i think she cried for like twelve hours.

jack just rolled over and went to sleep. like it was incredible. i honestly thought it was amyth children who self weaned. but apparently it's the truth. so it sort of, it givesme a lot of comfort to know that he breastfedup until he was done. oddly enough though hehas now become fascinated with my belly button. and if you watched mybreastfeeding journey,

you would know that he would often refer to breastfeeding to num a num. he now calls my belly button num a num. and he calls me mommy num a num. or mommy no no. so he's come up with theseother little nick names. he's obsessed with my belly button. i mean who knew. like he literally as he's falling asleep.

he says mommy belly butt, belly butt. like he just wants tofondle my belly button. it makes me want to like hurl. but you do what you got to do. i'm not breastfeeding andthat is a relief to me. so every now and then iget hit with this wave of ohh it's done. like i could probably cry, if i thought about it to much right now.

that my breastfeeding journey is over. it's so two fold. i am thrilled to have my body back, i am thrilled that my boobsare like coming back to life. (baby babbling) hey you. (babbling) hello. i'm thrilled that i am wearingnon breastfeeding bras.

like there is so much. you know. hey buddy want to say hi? come on here. come sit here you got to sit here. don't touch that, come say hi, the camera's up here. they want to see you. - [jack] what's this?

is it for halloween? - it's not for halloween. come up here. so all in all is was a very, - [jack] halloween is all done. - halloween is all done,come here so you can say hi. - [jack] it's christmas time. - on the other side, you know it's done. it's a phase of my lifethat lasted a long time and i think in the end it was almost

like four years of breastfeeding. so that's a lot. look at this stud. look at this handsome little buddy in his, - babbling - babbling oh he is so handsome. we are going to see his big sister in a christmas concert today. so we got all,

oh look at you. - when is halloween? - halloween is done. he is a very festive child. - it's christmas time. he likes all the decorations so. it's done i can't believe it. so next stop potty training. - hi

- hi, so expect more news about that. but that it. if you have more questions because i am certain thereare going to be questions like how are you co sleeping still and all of that stuff. like, we're still co sleeping there is no nursing. i just do a night timeroutine with him now.

where i tickle his backand i sing him a song, just like i do for esme occasionally. although she now almost done with needing me to tickle her back. like it's amazing how itlike goes in these waves. so handsome. so that's it. if you have any questions,leave them below. i'm fairly certain this won't be the end

of my breastfeeding videos. obviously it's not goingto be the main focus but i feel like the information i have, and the experiences i havethey don't go to waste. so if you're new into your journey feel free to ask me questions. i'm happy to help and answer. and that is it. please subscribe.

have a happy holiday. what do you want to say? - thank you - thank you, so please subscribe, hit the bell and i willsee you in my next video. bye guys. - bye - bye bye, did you blow a kiss? (kissing)

you're so cute i could just eat you. okay lets go.

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