Friday, September 9, 2016

breastfeeding by bf

breastfeeding by bf

i'm going to be showing you the football hold,which is a very good hold for moms who've had c-sections because it doesn't put anypressure on the abdomen. and if you do have any nipple damage, then this is a nice waytoo, to move the baby's mouth to a different position so as not to damage or let heal thepart that's already been damaged. so with this position, you're going to want to havegood support on your side, because you're going to want to bring the baby's bottom aroundnext to your side. basically put his or her legs up behind you, so that he's almost sittinghorizontally. you're going to take this arm and put it under your breast, and you canhold down this arm with your other hand. and you're going to support the baby's head hereunderneath, like we talked about in the cross

cradle position, so that you can guide himor her onto the breast easily. so, in this position, his mouth is horizontal, so i'mgoing to compress my breast more like a sandwich this time, and as soon as he opens his mouthwide, guide him onto the breast like so. let me show you that again. so i'm going to compressthe breast horizontally, and as soon as his mouth is open wide, i'm going to guide hishead onto the breast like so. and this is the football position. the other thing thatyou can do with football, is if your hand gets tired here, you can either pop your pillowup a little bit higher, or just get a rolled up wash cloth and just put it underneath yourhand for support. and baby's like this too. and then when they're done on this side, youcan just move the baby over, put his legs

up behind you and feed him on this side.

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