Thursday, September 15, 2016

breastfeeding elimination diet

breastfeeding elimination diet

what is it that professional dieticians dofor the moms or new moms? well we have to first of all consider whether that mom isbreast feeding - if she is breast feeding, she is going to need a lot more calories anda lot more protein. and we also have to consider what her life is like right now. so what wetry to do is to incorporate foods that they're already eating, but kind of freshen them upin a healthier way. so if they like mac and cheese, then we give them mac and cheese,but it's whole wheat and we put tomatoes in it and do some different things like that.but another thing we have to watch out for is that when we have moms that are over 200,250, sometimes close to 300 pounds , their bodies are very very sensitive to blood sugarfluctuations. so if you've very sensitive

blood sugar fluctuations, and that tends tohappen the bigger you are - and i would know - you need do dumb down the sugar and thecarbohydrates. and that's really what it is. and we give those moms plenty of fruits andvegetables, plenty of lean proteins, calcium and stuff like that. we just don't allow themto eat as much pizza, bread, pasta and stuff like that. and if you are a mom that is havinga weight problem, it could be one or two things. it could be you eat too much food, essentially,and you are eating a lot of the wrong stuff, or you are not eating enough. and we've hada lot cases where we give the moms their plan, and what they need to eat and they are, like,how am i going to eat all this food. and the reason is that they starve themselves untilabout 3 o'clock in the afternoon and then

they grab whatever it is, but it's probablynot something that's good for them. it's probably something that's going to make their bloodsugar spike. and so we try to get them to eat more during the day, and more foods thattheir body likes. going to the source, like lean proteins and fruits and vegetables anddairy and stuff like that. nuts. that's what we really try to do.

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