Friday, September 16, 2016

breastfeeding emoji iphone

breastfeeding emoji iphone

howdy folks it is barry here, i am not inmy kitchen today, where am i jamie? you are in my kitchen! yeah a lot of people have askedfor the collaboration and we have finally managed to do it, i am so happy that you arehere no worries man i love being in london there are no cows or tractors or anythinglike that or if there are there should not be. so today i have been sent some treatsfrom china, i get sent treats from all over the world, this one is china are you ready?ready. lets do it! the first one is crab chips. this has a greatdescription to is, these are chips that have crab flavour i can see what they did therequite good marketing right, and it has got a quite intimidating crab on the front coverhe has got big pincers, and is giving it all

that. yeah it has a bite to it, it is quiteairy right, it has travelled a long way, it is like a pillow! what do you think much ofa smell there? it smells more of packaging than it does of crab, oh they look quite lightand airy and foamy, they look a bit like quavers right? yeah so quavers are a very popularcrisp in the uk but i do not think they do crab right?! actually no, when you smell themit definitely smells of crab hmm yeah and this one has grown so much it looks like atoenail, you know when they have grown that long, i do not have one but i have seen themhopefully they will taste of crab. i really like that, it starts off tasting of prawncocktail crisps and then the crab comes through later. it sort of crawls in, it is quite sweettoo, it is not too strong, i was expecting

a sort of salty taste but it is very is really sweet and really nice! tell you what bryan, that is a good up bin bin rice crackers. crackers that taste of rice so not bins (which in the ukis like a trash can) so that would not taste good they have a good crunchy taste, haveyou ever had a rice cracker? i have not had one like that before, quite a festive packagingon there too, there is a christmas scarecrow on the front cover, quite intimidating toodoes not really make you want to eat it �eat me�. individually wrapped so you can takethem in a lunch box or something, they are so light having them there like that theylook like they could be eye pads or something, not an ipad but more an eye patch, see whati did there. oh wow, it feels like there is

some sort of coating on there for sure, itis probably just salt! it is just like a normal rice cracker, i must have had rice crackersbefore because i recognise the taste. they do taste like prawn crackers to me i do notknow if that is a light seasoning on there or not we need the scarecrow to translatefor us this is like they are not very nice ingredients rice, bran oil, sugar, soy saucepowder and flavour enhancer which is always good, a flavour enhancer that mysterious ingredientenhances the flavour, enhances the experience so yeah not bad not the tastiest i have had.i would not take them in my lunchbox everyday maybe just 2 days of the week. little mobilephones �hello� so not bad. ok so next up is something called dried saltorange peel, it is in the shape of a heart

shape in a tub, it is like a valentines daygift. they just celebrated singles day didn�t they in china there was this story of a guythat spent one hundred thousand dollars on iphones put them in a shape of a heart sohe could propose to his girlfriend and then she said no, oh so did he do a broken heartafterwards i think he would have had to of done he asked siri, will she marry me, no,oh ok. dried salt orange peel is preserved orange peel with salt and sugar crystals.good to try if you have a sore throat or your mouth tastes bitter, well we have got thetaste of crab in our mouth at the moment it does look more like foot peel so sorry i havenot really built it up to something nice there now we have to eat that, cheers barry, itdoes have a very romantic ribbon on it, i

have never tasted anything like this beforeso i am quite intrigued, it is like hey, we have a bit of both they will never know justchuck it both in there, sweet and sour, yeah, it has a scent, that is all i am going tosay on it, i think i have smelt carpet with something that smells like that, it does smelllike some sort of cleaning product. that is unusual, is it actually orange peel? it is going to be bitter because of the orange peel you know how you get dried bananaswith the sugar on there but this is literally just the peel which i generally do not likeanyway well you are not supposed to eat the peel give them to china they love it! thereis only one way to find out though�. that is really weird. ah sorry i have got to getrid of that, let me try and describe that,

what you get is orange, but really bitterorange because it is the peel. i feel like i am going to cry sorry. and then someonehas decided to sweeten the bitterness it was too sour so they have added salt to counteract the sweetness and what you get like is blurghh. it is like eating nuclear waste prettymuch yeah, in the nicest possible way. i am going to stick to something like just throatsweets just have a sore throat because it is probably going to remove your throat, iam glad i tried it, you can see if you are going for a marriage proposal with that itis not going to work. these ones are preserved prunes, ok sorryabout the bowl down there it was a bit of a protest, it is fine ben does the washingup anyway preserved prunes with salt sugar

and orange oh my gosh with prunes a popularsnack to have any time of day. so basically the same thing, orange peel, liquorice, salt,oh no not liquorice, this is pretty much hell to me! sodium cyclamate, never heard of thatsounds like someone saying �hey do you want to go for a cycle mate�. we have got somesalt with us we have some salt, hey we are living the dream, apparently it has got ahoney flavour, oh nice! so it could help with the throat again, but that looks more likeit could be a throat sweet rather than foot peel, so a prune preserved in our lovely orangecoating, what could go wrong? nice and squidgy, double wrapped for extra protection, no pregnancyon these prunes, triple wrapped, oh my gosh it is going to be like one of those thingswith a lady where you keep opening it and

they get smaller and smaller. oh wow nice,there are so many things we can say that looks like, prunes are fantastic for old peopleshomes it is good to keep them regular and have a high fibre diet maybe if these do notwork i will drop them in at my hometown where i live and give them to some of the old peoplethere! oooh a stone, i can taste the liquorice sorry man, you do not want to see the bowldown there, liquorice guys you know i am gagging, i hate that! there is definitely some liquoricein there, and again with the salty sweet thing i am not convinced, you still have it thereand the stone is still there? amazing. so it is not too bad overall james opinion, icannot stand it, as a gift to jamie for this collaboration i will leave you with this packet,is that all good?! i would rather you did next up is something called biscuit egg roll milk. these are egg rolls made from eggs,ok good start. it is very crispy and a larger version of wafer sticks. i reckon we are infor a treat, yeah i agree, i cannot see any liquorice around there, or salty sweet things,bits of orange peel, delicious and crunchy so that is a biscuit egg roll mix so it lookslike a nice classic box, yeah safety, what we need right now is water and safety. ohhere we go look �always for you� that is sweet. my mums wallpaper in the house usedto have that sort of packaging on it like a dado rail, we should put some egg roll onthis. looks like a brandy snap right, it does or the sort of thing you would put in a hotchocolate and suck it through. but it is definitely

much more like a pancake, it smells much moreeggy, i cannot work out if it is going to be sweet or savoury yet which is never a goodthing, oh we put some orange peel in it we chinese are crazy, ok um, i want to smokeit, ooh! crumbly, softer yeah, i really expected a big like snap to it, it is quite bland does feel like a plain pancake that has been rolled up and somehow crispified it feelslike there should be something coated on it or inside it, you know what it is missing,chocolate through the middle, oh my gosh, nutella and ricotta mixed in there, pluggedat both ends, with liquorice and foot peel on top! maybe not, yeah i am a fan of that,this one has potential we can work with that good invention china!i am really intrigued by this one it is a

lichee flavour coconut jelly now i like allof those things, i have never had a lichee, never? in a chinese restaurant you get dessert,no where i live you get mcdonalds and if you want to splash out there is a burger kingtoo, ok so they are like this fruit that comes in a hard case but in the middle of it youget this really slimey eyeball type thing, i have not sold it very well it is amazing.lichee flavour coconut individually wrapped jelly lichee and coconut flavour i have hada coconut i am not that old school but we know what they are although i live the otherside of the uk there are coconuts in some supermarkets and the internet, yeah we havedial up, mum get off the phone. here we go individually cupped, that phrase could beused many ways to explain that shape they

look a bit like nipples i could be breastfeeding,it is an odd shape that looks almost like an ice cube shape kind of thing. and it doeslook like there are little bits of squares in mine that would be the coconut, oh yes,this could be nice! we need a spoon for this or we could do it like the old school nightout gentlemans jelly shot but we will do it sophisticated. do you know what i read theother day? a spoon is just a small bowl on the end of a stick, and a fork is like somebodywith 3 toes on the end of a handle. sorry! it is definitely jelly like, oh wow yep arewe going for it, yep here we go�. it is manageable but just feels like i am chewingjust like an exercise or something to do like a chore. there is nothing wrong with thatat all, that is lichee, that is coconut, and

that is jelly. i can taste the coconut, notsure about the lichee, definitely the gelatine i did bite into a little bit of coconut andgot this awesome tropical explosion. damn i just swallowed it and stuck with the licheemission so your first experience of lichee, it was alright i think i could never haveit again. so next up is something called a red beanbar, i had a moment just then when i thought it looked a bit like a skyscraper and i amnot going to bore you with that. looks quite cool actually like a cake surrounding it,it might be the walky talky building you are talking about if i can get it i will postan image of it on the video. it says it is a pastry bar with a red bean paste fillingnow this must be the red bean paste filling

in there big old chunk of it red bean pasteis popular and goes well with tea or by itself, now i would have said pastry, sweet, red beansounds a bit savoury, thinking it could taste like a kidney bean cake or something. we justgot it out of the wrapper and it looks almost glazed particularly that side wow, it hasbeen really shined up someone has worked really hard to get that shine up. smells kind ofsweet and savoury it smells a bit like a cinnamon bun, yes it smells a bit like a cinnamon buni really hope it is chocolate. i know it looks like chocolate if that was a chocolate cake,that amount like that, oh my gosh! are we ready? it feels like it should just be likechocolate and then it would take it up to another level the sweetness is definitelythe edge of it and the red bean paste are

we losing you? i do not like that. it is definitelya sweeter edge and the middle it is where sweet and savoury clashes but other than theorange peel in a good way, this battle of sweet and savoury is a good one. i do notlike that, i do not know what it is, i cannot get on with that, i might be taking this withme, it may be because i looked at it and thought, ah chocolate pastry. that is right like thoseorange peel things, it could be so much better if it was chocolate this would be heaven!now this looks very similar to our lichee jelly because it is fruit jelly, fruit jellyok, individual fruit jellies that taste like a variety of fruit. it looks like a packetof old school boiled sweets it does, you know when you get into your granddads car and healways has a packet of boiled sweets sometimes

in the tin dusted, yeah always stuck together,it looks just like that. jelly form that would have been amazing, good for car journeys thiswould be pretty much heaven i am not too sure, are we going to spoon it again or? again differentshape pot and there are little bits in there, is that coconut? i have a pineapple and appleon mine, i have got the same, pineapple apple kiwi lichee grapes so there is some sort ofchunky fruit in there. it says in you need to pop it, oh wow, yours is luminous, wowlike proper neon it has a tail on it too, i am just going to shove it right down. normallywhen i really like something i get into r kelly mode, like �my mind is telling meno, but my body is telling me yes� the thing i cannot get over is the chunks in there,i think there are chunks of apple in this

one so i can taste that i think it is quitenice now, yeah i like that, it would go really well with some vodka in it.these are roasted chestnuts, yes basically whole roasted chestnuts also it has some frenchhere which sounds like a sandwich shop pret a manger maybe they are translated to chestnutgood thing is no trans fat and it is a good source of vitamin c i got confused when isaw the front because i thought they were horse chestnuts obviously conkers like inthe uk we have conkers fights but they are horse chestnuts which humans cannot eat buthorses can or brains, oh yeah! or something else, back to granddad again. ok what is theinitial scent, by the buttocks of some angry chinese man that does not smell very tempting,they are peeled ready to eat, so what are

we waiting for!? it is a spoon job i do notwant to touch it, it does smell a bit like a horse. chestnuts to me are like walkingthrough the streets of london or new york, roasted chestnuts, you get this amazing smelland think ah it is christmas, this smells like christmas gone very wrong and they looklike kidney stones too. here we go�.. oh gosh! that has made my eyes water that isnot pleasant, i was really looking forward to most of these today it has been a realtaste adventure, we have one more to go but this was soft and mushy almost like the textureof you know when you whizz up beans to make bean burgers that is not good you get thesmell and then the texture there is nothing good about that has ruined christmas for me,christmas is cancelled, chestnuts roasting

on an open fire, leave them. makes your tongueturn into a lizard. i am really sorry i do not like up is some packaging i do not really know what it is but looks like the leaf adamand eve wore over their private parts, you have kind of described what it is, green andleaf, it is tea! a type of famous green tea in china it goes great with any pastry ortea biscuit, sounds fantastic, we might want a cup and some boiled water. ok, i was justgoing to take it straight. hmm well i hate tea this is it. do you not like tea? you comefrom the uk how can you not like tea?! i did a tea food fear where i got a range of teasand tried to taste test them and it got to the point it was more milk than tea and ijust about managed to finish it but still

got to do it. we have our equipment althoughi am quite happy to skip it, no i like green tea, so i will add this in now and leave afew for a closeup but it just looks like the remains of bird poo to me. these are tea leaveswe could be making this completely wrong of course. lets give it a stir, welcome to teamaking. give it a stir with the non chestnut end of my spoon. it is sort of going a spinachkind of colour, you know green tea is good for you though you should definitely try itthe closest one i liked was the honey and lemon tea but i just had to put honey in it.are we ready to try that, it does look like a swamp where you would not want to spendmuch time. smell it, what does it smell of? because that is where we are going to getthe intensity, it smells like bored water.

just like water that is stagnate, i thinki can actually see some eels in this anyway. there is no eels in it. remember those thingsyou could put into water and they would come to life? monkey nuts, um nope not monkey nutsthis is what it is i feel like it is going to turn into some sort of chinese monsterand takeover the sorted kitchen i am scared. if i slip i am going to pour boiling hot waterover my hands there were no instructions were there nope, jamie is the supporter of teai am just the hater, i do like a good cup of builders, builders has got a blob of cementin it though right?! oh no, i cannot do that, so what we have done is put boiling waterin it too so it is probably quite warm, it is warm quite bland, i feel like i have goneinto a field where the grass has grown for

years and am just grazing like a cow. i reckonwe should have let it brew longer, i do not think it would change my opinion, it has thepotential to be really nice it does have a slight spinach quality to it, it could bespinach! it is different to other green tea that i have had but ok another gift for meto leave with jamie here, so that is it then guys have you got a favourite that we havegot there!? i am going to have to say my favourite was probably the lichee jelly i am going togo for the fruit jelly or the red bean paste thing, there is a bowl down there to supportthe ones i do not like. but guys if you enjoy this video, do not forget to give it a thumbsup, share, subscribe and comment and obviously subscribe to sorted food, jamie and his friendschannel if you have not already heard of it

where are you if you have not heard of itand thanks for the opportunity to collaborate this has been amazing. thanks for coming downand bringing me some really interesting food to taste. i am going to take them back onthe train now and stink it out! share your chestnuts with some strangers, ooooh.

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