Tuesday, September 13, 2016

breastfeeding day 1

breastfeeding day 1

hi. now i’m going to talk about what kindof diet you want to follow when you’re nursing your baby. most women when they’ve justhad a baby are very preoccupied with losing the extra baby weight, this is totally normal.however, you do want to make sure that you continue to get the kind of nutrients thatyour body needs. the first nutrients that are coming into your body are going out andtaking care of your baby. so you want to make sure that you have enough for that and that you alsothen have enough for you. so don’t forget about your own diet, you don’t just wantto be eating pizza and french fries and drinking soda. you really want to focus on what kindof nutrients you’re getting. so i’ve put out some of these things here. fruit is justabsolutely terrific of course, pineapple,

pears, bananas are super nutritious. i putout some peppers, whole grain pasta is wonderful, whole grain bread, eggs which you can havehard boiled if you’re on the run, yogurt. in the morning you might want to try wholegrain cereal with some raisins or oatmeal is even better. salads, nuts are terrificand milk if you can drink milk. so these are all very, very healthy choices for you to have.keep in mind and keep reminding yourself not to be critical of your own body. you mightnot have the same body that you had when you were 25 years old, but look what your bodyhas just given you. your body has just given you a baby and that is the most beautifulthing ever. so be easy on yourself, remind yourself of this, and remember to keep cherishingyour own body for having done this very magical


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