Monday, September 5, 2016

breastfeeding baby doll

breastfeeding baby doll

you are wa you are watching the rhode show on wpri12. welcome back, in the buzz. just in time for the holiday season. controversial new toy. ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to breast milk

baby doll. doll makes sounds. brought by sensors into the halter top that the child wears sensors are located in the anatomically correct spot setting off the sounds when contact is made. they are considering it to be

groundbreaking and a learning tool. who are these people doing this? i don't know. on the couch? definitely not. i had, when my mom had my younger brother, she brought me a baby doll when i had a baby.

i think that is brilliant. when she walk the baby, i would rock the baby. i don't think that i tried to nurse the baby why do something else that babies do? maybe i can see it. i'm not going to get that for my

nieces. i have two girls at home. there is no way that i would ever, ever bought that for them. i get this, the whole breast feeding thing. people out there, passionate about it, i understand. people, oh, you are not going to

breast feed thinking we were horrendous at the time as you were saying, there is a stick-on nipple. obviously should have. 4-year-old's dream to have that. [ laughter ] you never know what they are

doing. just a difficult thing for parents to describe it, as a play date coming over. so, you know, it is a little awkward. but we are not the only ones that are talking about this. no, we are not.

michaela is out with the top five at the mall. we want to hear their take on today's buzz. michaela, we thought, what a better place to talk about this than at the lullaby lounge. a changing station here. mothers can take care of their

kids. we want to know top five picks. what are thoughts on the breast feeding doll? it gives the kids too much information too soon. one thing that we introduce a baby doll and say, this is your baby.

raise it like mary was saying. but to go the extra mile and introduce breast feeding, little bit too much information, i think. would you get this doll for your future? absolutely not. i agree.

if your kids said to you, mom, dad, what is that lady in the corner? you explain it. they are prepared. to actually allow them to learn and train, there are some things that are for adults and some things for children.

there is quite the debate on the rhode show facebook page, i noticed this morning. interesting comments going on there if i'm a father, if i have a daughter, i don't know if i want to introduce this that early on. you want the kid to be dirty,

have fun. stay out late. get in trouble. to be a kid. yeah, i think it is pushing it a little too early. having the kid assimilate in the same manner as the mother. it is a little too soon for me.

how do you weigh in on this topic? it is definitely two mature adults having. plus, when you go to kids houses to play, it is inappropriate i think for one child to bring it to another child's house

to a world full of perverts, not a good look in public or a little chile to mimic breast feeding. i'm out. i think they are kind of agreeing that maybe it is a bit too soon, as the child gets older or something, i'm sure we

are not the only ones buzzing about that. cassandra mentioned, there is a lot happening on facebook. isn't that right, guys? let me tell you, when they say a lot happening, people telling own personal. g-rated ones.

this doll is creepy. i thoroughly enjoy in the woman's right to feed and breast feed. key word there is woman much. melanie davidson sees both sides of the argument says this is an interesting teaching toy for those children with little

brothers and sisters who see their moms breast feeding. however, probably take the doll out, probably not, in public. diana says, keyed in, maybe more people would be comfortable with breast feeding if they had a doll like this when they were younger.

a natural thing. why not teach our little girls

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