Tuesday, September 6, 2016

breastfeeding baby poop

breastfeeding baby poop

top 10 ways babies are really weird 10. some babies are really, really big. most babies will weigh between 5.5 and 10lbs,but some will truly tip the scales. the guinness book of world records reports that sig. carmelinafedele had a baby boy in italy who weighed 22lbs and 8 oz. in september 1955. more recently,in 2013 a 16-pound baby was born in california to mom sosefina tagalu. sammy was the biggestbaby born ever in california. jealous your kid didn’t show up super-sized? you mightwant to reconsider: sammie’s mom gained 110lbs during her pregnancy and at birth hewas too big to wear any of the diapers the hospital had. amazingly, also born in californiawas andrew jacob cervantez. the bouncing baby

boy weighed 15 pounds, 2 ounces on his january2014 birthday. the most startling fact? he was almost half the size of his mother, whowas a petite woman at 5 foot and 1 inch tall. 9. babies may (or may not) dream. what is sweeter than the sight of a sleepingbaby? especially for worn out new parents! many wonder, “what does our baby dream about?”there are differing opinions on the subject. quite likely because the subjects are unableto communicate verbally about their dreams with the researchers once they have wokenup. jodi mindell, ph.d., the associate director of the sleep center at the children’s hospitalof philadelphia thinks that baby’s dreams are for the most part silent. it is also thoughtthat babies spend nearly 50% of their time

in rem sleep, whereas adults spend 25% oftheir time in it. so therefore, their dreams may be longer than mom and dad’s are. however,psychologist david foulkes, a well-known expert on pediatric dreaming states that babies don’tdream. foulkes and others think that babies are dreamless for the first few years of theirlife. we can’t ask the babies themselves and we aren’t going to ask you which expertto choose. as new parents, simply smile and be happy that your child is sleeping. fornow! 8. some babies are born with teeth. one in 3 thousand of all babies is born withteeth. it’s perfectly normal, but can certainly come as a shock to anyone. getting a sweetsmile for that next pic on instagram is ideal,

but no new parent expects to see a toothygrin! neonatal teeth can put any mom’s thoughts of breastfeeding on hold, but otherwise thetiny teeth are simply part of life and it is recommended that they stay in as long asthey can. sometimes they have to be removed. these newborn baby teeth are often a bit wobbly.they certainly make any baby’s smile look more unique, as they will be one of very fewwith these teeth! 7. love that blonde hair? it could be differentpretty soon! if family and friends compliment your sweetbaby’s hair color or adorable curls, accept that it may all change in 6 months or so.this can be hard if the hair that comes in looks “just like” your mother-in-law andeveryone has starting remarking on the great

resemblance, so just be prepared. the haira newborn baby has doesn’t always represent the color they will have as they grow. sometimesthe color can change drastically – from blonde to bright red or from dark brown toblonde. it may seem odd, but your baby can also have sweet curls and these can changeas well. have a few cute hats handy, as hair may likely fall out during the process ofchanging color or a different hair texture. 6. one of every 2,500 babies is born withwebbed fingers or toes when a baby has webbing in their digits, itis also known as “syndactyly.” this makes a great scrabble word, ideal for a tripleword score by the way. it is thought to run in families. in a medical study of 3,000 patients,about 40% had family members who also had

webbing in their hands or feet. webbed fingersand toes may come as a bit of a surprise but are simply something which occur due to inheritedfamily genes. it happens during the sixth or seventh week of pregnancy, when typicallythe hand would start to form fingers and instead becomes webbed. webbed fingers and toes canbe treated with surgery if needed. 5. babies poop a lot and in many, many differentcolors! everyone knows that babies poop. not everyoneexpects them to poop a lot, though. get ready to change diapers up to 8 to 10 times a day!it also comes in a wide spectrum of colors that seems a bit odd at first glance but ispretty normal most of the time. as a newborn, poops are usually dark green, because theyare releasing built up substances from being

in the womb. if your baby is breastfed oron formula will determine quite a bit what their poop looks like. breastfed babies usuallyhave yellow poop which has little seed-like specs in it. if your baby takes formula thenpeeking into the diaper might reveal yellow poop, but also could also be tan or even greenishcolored poop. babies can also surprise you by not pooping for 24 to 48 hours, but aslong as they are eating, most often it is not a cause for any worries. so we hope we’veanswered some questions about baby poop you didn’t realize you had yet! 4. when you say “no” they understand youbut pretend they don’t ahh parenthood! you bring home this adorable,bundle of joy from the hospital and everyone

coos and compliments your new blessing. thenhe or she starts to get a little mischievous or simply too active. you say “no” andthose big, doe eyes look at you but they keep doing whatever they were doing before. dothey understand you? it’s not going to seem odd at all to your parents – they actuallycan understand you at about 6 months, and choose to listen to you only when they reachages 12 to 18 months. this is the type of odd fact that makes grandparents smile, knowingyou finally understand what parenting is all about. but will babies listen? experts sayto use words to describe what you don’t want them to do, that they are listening tothe tone in your voice and will respond to that more than the word “no.” be surenot to laugh when they do something you don’t

want them to do – even if spaghetti on thedog is totally adorable but really, really messy. they will pick up on the laughter andmay try to repeat what they’ve done. hopefully all of this will work, we have a feeling thesesame lessons will come in handy when they turn 16 too! 3. more of them are picky eaters than yourealize it’s an exciting day for new moms and dadswhen their kids graduate to solid food. but when they discover they’ve got a picky eateron their hands, it is a whole new set of challenges to face. about 20 to 50% of children are pickyeaters, according to their frustrated parents. babies can be picky eaters for a variety ofvery valid reasons. your baby may have a food

allergy, be teething or have an infection.it can be a symptom of an immature digestive system, or your baby may not be quite readyfor solid foods – some parents may have to wait to play “choo choo” train withthe strained apricots. but if your baby is simply being choosy about what they eat – andthere are no signs of teething or other issues – try introducing other, similar foods theymight enjoy. so if the pears were a big hit, try another sweet fruit, like applesauce ormango. 2. breastfeeding zones your baby out, andmore this fact is both odd and amazing: by breastfeedingyour baby they will often become sleepy and feel comforted. any new parent is going tosmile at the thought of having the power to

soothe their young child, right at their err,finger, tips. if you want your baby to drift off to sleep, breastfeeding them a bit canbe helpful. it is not just the act of being held by your mom, but also hormones that aretransferred through the breast milk. when babies are sick or fussy, they often willcry for breastfeeding. babies instinctually know that breastfeeding is soothing and asafe, secure time with the person who loves them the most, their mom. but not only doesthe baby know this is a special time, so does their mom. this is because a large amountof ‘love hormone’ called oxytocin is released into a woman’s brain as she breastfeeds.a study in the journal public library of science computational biology found that as the babynurses, the mother’s brain’s neurons send

out this hormone. typically these neuronsreceive information, instead of sending it out – which is pretty amazing. it may seema little odd how happy and blissed-out your baby can become simply by breastfeeding them.mom does too while she does it! 1. a few are born with a caul the odds are against it but it does happen:1 in 80 thousand babies is born with a caul. when a baby is born with a caul, they havepart of the birth membrane on their head. it sounds a little messy and it is, but forthose with a caul they were pleased that is made an appearance. in some cultures thisis considered to be a good luck sign, such as poland and russia. during medieval times,it meant not only good luck but that this

baby was meant for great things during theirlifetime. while being born with a caul is rare, it is considered to be harmless andnot something to worry about.

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