Monday, September 12, 2016

breastfeeding by man

breastfeeding by man

(tranquil music) (babbling toddler) (funny sound effect from tv) - and my joint is clicking? - [toddler] yeah. on your leg. - wow.(funny sound effect) (funny gurgling from cartoon) (giggles) what is that sound? (hushed music)

are we done here? done? (funny sound effect from video game) oh. (music from video game) oh, boy. (snoring sounds) i got my hands full, don't i? hi, i'm like sitting here,and just in the zone.

i'm just relaxing. and he feels, like, one of the bestparts about breastfeeding is that i can actuallyhold a content baby, or he's going to be a toddler soon, but he's content, because he's got the boob. if it wasn't, you know, for the boob, well, maybe a pacifierdoes something similar,

but he would still probably run away with the pacifier in his mouth. but here he can't move,he can't go anywhere, so he's with me, and i get to enjoy him. just holding him, and looking at him. it's amazing. (music from tv) so yeah, that's one of the best parts. i mean, i don't thinkbreastfeeding has any negative

um, sides to it, besides in the beginning, or you know, if youexclusively breastfeed, then you probably can'tleave your baby at home, because they're not bottlefed. sweetie, don't shake my arm. so, um, so that, i guess, couldbe seen as a negative thing, that you can't, like,leave your child at home and go out on a date or something. well, to me it's not a problem,

because i don't go on dates. (laughing) i see my husband day in and day out. so, but yes, a date would be great. that's beyond my point. so, being able to breastfeed, nurse him like that on a couch, or in bed, is wonderful. good morning, sweetie.

look who else is awake! how are you? - i'm good. - oh, that's great. (laughs) oh my goodness. isn't that a lot of people? it sure feels like it to me. - [toddler] hey, did you see that fish? that fish was very poky.

- ah, pufferfish? - yeah. - yeah, pufferfish. all right, everyone. - [toddler] if something is - - this little guy is probablydone, so i'm going to go and feed myself before theseboys say they're hungry. ow ow ow! - [toddler] mom, are yougoing to go rest with-- - no biting!

- [toddler] are you goingto put avi to sleep-- - there you go. - [toddler] and rest, or something? - (laughing) biting me at the end. - [toddler] mom. - he's like, "hmm, let me see."(mimicking nibbling sound) (squealing child in background) okay, everybody. thanks for watching. bye.

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