Friday, October 28, 2016

breastfeeding in public laws

breastfeeding in public laws

- being a mom is really uncomfortable, and you don't have todo all the other stuff that i have to do, so it's like if you're uncomfortable,you can turn your head. breastfeeding in public, i try to do it. it makes me a little nervous, but i try to be brave about it because i think while she doesn't understand it, this is my daughter's firstexposure to body shaming.

her mom getting all tense and anxious and shameful because her breast is out. - i was definitely nervous about it because i just did not know what to expect in terms of people and staring. but over time i got over that. syndey is hungry, so now i feed her whenever i need to feed her. - it was really stressfulto even just breastfeed,

even when you're just at home. you're out in public andyour child is screaming, and you're trying to maneuverthem underneath a blanket. it can be really horrifying. - i've never had anyone sayanything to me directly, but i have gotten a coupledisapproving glances. - i actually was asked one time to move when i was breastfeeding at a mall. and the security guard asked

if i would go to the family restroom. - i'm feeding my kid,and i just can't imagine if i pulled out a sippy cup,no-one would say anything. if i pulled out cheerios,no-one would say anything. - i have friends whoapplaud me for doing it. i have friends who stillthink it's a little bit too intrusive, and i just remind them that well when we wear ourbikinis, our breasts are out. other peoples' breasts are out.

- so a mall securityguard asked me to move to the family restroom, and i looked him deadin the eyes and i said "do you take a shit where you eat?" - intellectually, i knowthat there should be nothing i should be ashamed of, but somehow it's been baked into me just from society. so as much as i want to ignore it... - that's like my biggestthing about breastfeeding

was about my fear ofinadequacy as a mother. and being able to breastfeedin public, for me, it fuels, like, i get to kindof wear this badge of honor. like, look at me go. - breastfeeding without fear for me means that i'm a confident mom. - breastfeeding without fear to me means having a regular opportunityto do best by my kid. - it's the natural thing to do,

it's what our bodies were meant to do. so we shouldn't be ashamed of it. - mothers have way too muchon their plate already. you need to provide for your child, and feed your child ina relaxed environment. - breatfeeding without fear to me means freedom to leave thehouse and live my life, because it's a beautiful, constant important part of mothering.

and it, we shouldn't have to hide.

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