Wednesday, October 5, 2016

breastfeeding good latch

breastfeeding good latch

nursing doesn't come naturally to every infantand mom, but these tips can help. your baby is more likely to latch well when she's alertand hungry. if she's squirming or bringing her hand to her mouth, she may wanna help your baby latch on comfortably, your nipple needs to go back far in her mouth.shape your breast so that your areola becomes an oval, then stroke your baby's bottom lipwith your nipple. once her mouth is wide open, guide her on to your breast. her bottom lipwill cover most of the lower half of your areola, and her top lip will rest just a bitabove your nipple. her head should be tilted back slightly with her chin pressed into yourbreast and her nose free. you'll know she's eating comfortably if her hands and body arerelaxed. at that point, you can release your

hand. if you feel pain, your baby probablyisn't latched on deeply enough, which means she's not using her jaw and tongue to massagethe milk out. to reposition her, place a finger between her gums on the side of her mouthto break the seal, then try again.

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