Tuesday, October 11, 2016

breastfeeding hand expression

breastfeeding hand expression

hey everyone i just wanted to take[pause and whispers] i am sorry a i guess i will talk a little quieter, she was almost asleep i justwanted to take a moment and give you all a quick update it is our 15 month mark of nursing since scarlet was born so we're doing extended breastfeeding and inurse her on demand so what that means is whenever wherever she wants to nursethen i do my best to accommodate that so someone asked if i was still nursing her exclusively and so what do you consider exclusive? she is eating a lot of solid foods sheeats breakfast lunch dinner snacks but still nurses alot i would say on average 12to 20 times a day and she still gets up in the night probably two to three times soi'll nurse her when she goes to sleep she'll sometimes sleep till 2 a.m. but usually gets up on time before then and then she will feed again at about two and then she'll go back down maybe

get a drink you know around 5:30 and then go back to sleep so that is kind of our schedule[laughs] and the fifteen -twenty times during the day that she nurses there's notreally long nursing sessions maybe like now when she's napping she'll nurse for longer but a lot oftimes it's just she's thirsty, she wants a drink so she'll show me that she wants she'll tap me on the chest like okay i want some and then when she drinks she'll drink from the one side and then she wants to drink from the other side so she will tap or tug i don't know if she thinks it tastes different, it comes out at a different speed you know really what i thinks is that the milk that first comes out it's more water and that is more to quench the thirst milk is more and hind milk is more filling and so i think sometimes she is just thirsty doesn't neccisarily need the thick nourishment she just needs a drink.

she also likes to drink water i use a sippy cup sometimes but normally she just plays with it and splashes it everywhere. so what i've found works best is when she sees me take a drink out of a cup and then she'll want a drink out of the cup as well. i'll help her with that or sometimes let her do it on her own. [laughs] that normally ends up in a change of clothes. but thats okay, that is how they learn. she's 15 months and i would say 70 percent of the time she can drink a little water and not get it all over her shirt i definitely encourage you to breastfeed on demand and let your baby choose when to wean if you're able to and in a position too because it is such good bonding and so good for their health.

if you have any questions that will help you on your breastfeeding journey feel free to comment below and if you love this video please give it a thumbs up and share it with other nursing moms or parents that you know! thanks so much and subscribe to our channel if you would like to learn more!

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