Wednesday, October 19, 2016

breastfeeding husband in islam

breastfeeding husband in islam

♪ ♪ ♪ breastfeeding doesn'talways come naturally to mothers and can beespecially difficult in the beginning. but moms,did you know that having a supportive partner makesthe process much easier? dads or dads-to-be,this one is for you. first of all, moms aremore likely to breastfeed when their partnersupports that decision. they're also more likelyto continue to nurse when

dad is on board. before thebaby is born, dad should accompany their partnerto breastfeeding classes. help her research andprovide moral support. they should also step up tothe plate once the baby comes by encouraging her, findinghelp if she needs it and doing more chores aroundthe house. and just because the mother is the one nursing,dads can also get up in the middle of the night andoffer to change a diaper or get their partnersome water or a snack.

for more tips to makemom's life easier, visit

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