Tuesday, October 25, 2016

breastfeeding in pregnancy

breastfeeding in pregnancy

what causes leaking nipples during pregnancy? your body is getting ready to breastfeed ababy. the leaking is normal in the third trimester. it is embarrassing to end up with a wet shirt,much less a sticky bra. there are absorbent pads you can get to minimizethat. maxi pads are inconvenient enough. askingto go to the bathroom to change the pads in my bra is even worse. it’ll be just as bad or worse after youhave the baby. if i’m breastfeeding, it should go away.after all, i’ll be expressing the milk. no, you’ll express more because you’rebreastfeeding. and you could even leak the

moment you hear a baby cry. i heard that this isn’t real breast milk. if you’ve been breastfeeding another childto date, it is breast milk. if not, this is colostrum. never heard of it. it is a high protein, low fat precursor tobreast milk. it’s like the atkins diet for newborns. it is also heavier in antibodies for the newborn.but if the kid is getting breast milk, even if not the colostrum, it’s good for thekid.

does that mean i should be worried if it isn’tleaking? no, just be glad you’re lucky. if you don’tleak after childbirth, then there may be a problem. this feels like a plumbing discussion. ifonly i could turn a wrench and stop it. if you have a blocked duct or infection inthe breast, that would prevent milk from coming out. oh, great, then i’ll feel like a cow thatneeds to be milked. before you have the baby, you should onlysee a few drops leak here and there. what can i do about it, other than get nursingpads?

put your favorite tops in the closet and leavethem there until you’re no longer nursing.

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