Tuesday, October 4, 2016

breastfeeding going back to work

breastfeeding going back to work

i'd have to say the most challenging thingthat's happened to me since i started breastfeeding was definitely coming back to work. you're not used to working and having a baby. you're also not used to leavingyour baby, so just when you get adjusted to being home full time, it's timeto go back. i was just trying to figure out my rhythm, but also still be a good teamplayer, a good teammate, still be really good at my career, but then still providefor my child who was back at home. so, i spent a lot of time stressing about am imaking enough, am i doing enough, am i paying attention in a meeting instead ofthinking about when's the next time i need to go breastfeed. i spent so much timethinking about all that stuff. i wish,

while i was on maternity leave, that iwould have worked on building up a stash of breast milk. because i didn't do that,that made it more stressful at the back end once i came back to work. i think formoms who are transitioning back to work, it's important to set aside time everyday to pump and start building up your stash.

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