Friday, October 14, 2016

breastfeeding how often

breastfeeding how often

hi everyone! i’m melissa, welcome back tocloudmom. answering a question today from a viewer mayni, who wrote into our email accounton the site, thank you so much for writing in. and here’s what she is wondering about,"hi there, i’m hoping for some hope,” ok, we’re going to try to give you hopehere at cloudmom, "i have a super well-behaved three month old but i really want to get himon a feeding schedule. he wakes up crying hysterically and i try and calm him down buthe’s hungry and doesn’t want to wait. not sure how to create a routine when thishappens. thanks." ok thank you, oh by the way i just read you wrote into our facebookpage so sorry i got that wrong, but let’s back up a bit here. thank you so much forwriting in, three-month-old baby, ok. that

is still a very young baby. at this age, mostbabies are eating six to seven times a day, they’re eating every three to four hourson average. what my recommendation is is the following, and i have a full schedule whichis also printable on my website so i’ll link to that from below this video so checkthat out too, but here’s my recommendation when it comes to a schedule. try to beginfeeding the baby on a regular basis starting at say seven or eight in the morning, let’sjust say seven. you sit down, you feed your baby, you make sure your baby is awake, andyou make sure your baby is burped, and you make sure your baby is full meaning that he’sburped, he’s awake, he’s full and he’s rejecting more food. about an hour and a halflater, try to put your baby down for a nap.

ten o’clock, roughly three hours after youbegan that first feed, feed your baby again. and continue this routine for the rest ofthe day. now, your baby might wake up earlier than the three hours crying as you describehere, and in that case feed your baby, because it’s very likely that the baby is hungryand babies don’t always follow the exact schedule you want them to. but then, withthat feeding say he wakes up after two hours, it’s 9 am, feed the baby again, make surethe baby’s awake, make sure the baby’s burped, make sure the baby is rejecting morefood. about an hour and a half later, put the baby down for a nap and see what happens.and here’s what happens when you follow the schedule, which happened for me five timesso hope it will happen for you. sooner or

later your baby will start to do longer stintsat night because during the day they are awake enough and they’re getting enough food,so they’ll start to do longer stints at night and you’ll start to get longer stretchesof sleep at night yourself. as a mom, you’ll start to see that the early morning feedsstart to drop off, then the late night feeds start to drop off, and eventually the babywill go around 12 hours sleeping through the night and getting most of their food duringthe day eating four or five times. that is sort of the general cycle of things. i wouldnot worry if your baby wakes up crying with hunger, that’s super normal, that’s whatbabies do, just make sure you feed your baby in the way i described and everything shouldbe fine. so i hope this is helpful, i’m

going to link through to the schedule whichis on my website on and i have a lot of other videos there when it comesto babies and feeding and scheduling and breastfeeding and bottle-feeding also so please check thoseout. thank you so much for writing in, sorry i’m a little jumbled today! and i will seeyou next time.

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