Wednesday, August 31, 2016

breastfeeding and wine

breastfeeding and wine

move aside! -= episode 24 =- you! get out of the way! all you guys, get out of the way! grab the one with the hat! stop right there! leader wang is dead! leader! this guy is one of leader wang's men.

rotten brat... that man is also one of leader wang's men! all you people, stop it! really... beat him... you there, stop! considering our past friendship, i'll spare your life. get out of the way! take the body away.

yes. what are they doing?! what are you looking at? get out of the way! you are the ones who should move! really... don't act rashly, pick up the pistols and bayonets! they're not constables! they are leader wang's group, his men! let's kill all of them! get out! get out!

go! yes! make way! make way! even earthworms that get stepped on, will struggle. all of you will end up like leader wang. if you give the order, i will grab a few of the leaders. no need to worry. chun doong! i'm here! you're not hurt?

yes, i'm okay. and you, elder? how can anything happen to me, i'm fine. after you escaped, i confirmed that leader wang was definitely dead. he died from a bullet through his head. no one saw you? yes, fortunately i escaped safely. i saw how people at the market reacted today. they hated leader wang down to the bone. no one felt pity for him.

we did the right thing killing him. i don't care if it was right or wrong, i only know my heart is not at ease. what does that mean? if that guy's death can change the present situation a little, no matter how, we had to kill him sooner or later. you don't need to have a conscience, and feel sorry. today, if not for you elder, it wouldn't have gone so smoothly. what words...

i felt proud because of you. why is the body so badly damaged? when the constables arrived at the scene, everybody was abusing his body. i heard there were even people who threw stones at the constables. not only stones, but curses and attempts to attack us.the atmosphere was not ordinary. so, we just sit and watch them do outrageous things? there were too many of them. we didn't lose anybody, and were lucky to escape safely. people are more and more difficult to control.

the police's dignity has been trampled to the ground. please give me your order. i will bring all the constables from headquarters, and arrest all those people who threw stones. that's not possible. doing so will only lead to chaos. it's best to handle things quietly. what is it? leader wang's men have asked to take away the body.

is there anything else that we want to check? no. then give the body back to them. are you sure that the 'i come' thief did it? isn't it also possible that other local ruffians might have done it? how could anyone else kill leader wang in broad daylight? if not for the 'i come' thief, this wouldn't have happened. ho pan supervisor will be very sad. there won't be another person like leader wang, who sends large tributes to the criminal prison department.

weren't you also very close to leader wang? i only help the criminal prison department as a messenger. i wasn't really close to him. so, you're saying that as a messenger, you didn't receive any bribes? only a few times for running around. talking of bribes, captain gong should have received the most. he was always attached to leader wang's backside. not many will mourn leader wang's death. in police headquarters, sergeant kim and i are the only two.

even so, general sir, shouldn't you feel a little bit sad? i heard you two were the last ones to run after the man? however, because i was tripped up by villains on the way, i wasn't able to catch up with him. that means you were chasing that guy until the end? did you manage to see that person's face? because he covered his face, i couldn't see it. how tall was he? he was about seven feet tall. come! selling honey! leader wang is finally dead!

he's dead, he's dead! he's really dead! leader wang is finally dead! it's said that leader wang is dead. happy! really happy! director! mmm... have you heard the rumors? leader wang was killed in the market by an 'i come' thief with a gun. i also heard that rumor.

if someone dies, we should feel sad, but everybody is delighted, as if they're having a wedding. did agasshi say when she would be back? she said she'd be back tomorrow night. did lord kim go with her? yes, man deuk hyung also went with them. while agasshi's away, you'll have to take care of matters carefully. yes, you don't have to worry. aigoo, where did you leave do gab's father. how come you're alone?

he has something important to do. if our do gab's father knows that leader wang is dead, he'll be extremely happy. i'm going inside to rest. mmm, go and rest. what are you doing? you came just in time. i was just preparing to weave the money rope. since you're here, help me make a few.

i have no time for this. there's a few things i need to tell leader. what have you got to say to leader? if you've anything to say, then say it through me, the leader of monetary distribution. do you know leader wang died today? of course! i know everything faster than you. that's why i'm your leader. so, do you know who killed leader wang? do you know?

i know. the one that killed leader wang is our future leader. furthermore, i was there when leader wang died. left! right! helping him guard the area. so you... you! keep your voice down. you know who killed leader wang? i was with him. who was it? who killed leader wang?

i can't tell you now. i thought your people's network was small. i didn't expect it to be so big! i might not become one of your monetary distribution members. holding a gun, joining the assassination team. assassination team? want to see it? oh my god! today, leader wang nearly died by my own hand. see that?

don't even try to catch up with me. just work hard weaving your rope. is the leader in the room? go in and see. you all did great! i did next to nothing, i just helped director lee. what did the other leaders think? the death of leader wang is a hard fact! what can they say?

they've all agreed to listen to your plans. leader sir... thousands of people in the city are looking forward to you leading a long life. as long as 'i come' exists, the local ruffians won't dare take money from the market traders. even constables are very afraid of the market traders. this is all due to your influence, leader. make an announcement immediately, and then ask chung doong to see me. let's talk.

what brings you here? this. pass it around. tonight there's a public meeting, gather everybody together. -= public meeting: a meeting to discuss views and make decisions =- give me a bowl of yakju.(yakju - liquor made from fermented rice) the meeting is set for tonight. dal yi? you know about leader wang's death? i heard the rumors. who did it?

chung doong killed him. how could he? jang kkok ji, who planned this with chung doong, is at our base. and also, leader can't possibly last the night. please attend the public meeting tonight. come in. is anything the matter? an unfamiliar merchant, asked me to pass this letter to you, sir.

alright, you can go now. if anyone is looking for me, just tell them i'll be home late tonight. yes, sir. director lee hasn't come yet? i've already passed the secret letter, he should be on his way now. we will follow your orders. all the other leaders will accept director lee as the new chief. don't get too anxious, please calm yourself. how is he?

he's waiting for you, quickly go inside. okay. leader sir, director lee has come. po su nim... i've done so many things that i'm sorry for, po su nim. chun... chun dong. yes, po su nim. hold.. hold...hold my hand. are you grasping it?

i'm holding it now. i can't feel it. i have absolutely no regrets. hong po su... yes, leader. about my death, i don't want it openly announced. i'll do that. chun doong... you've now begun to pick up the gun,

for the people's redress. born as a man, there is nothing more glorious than this thing. as you wish, i will take up your drum and walk to a high platform. this... sir... po su nim. leader, leader... someone's coming... everybody get up!

it's the leader. is it really the leader? it's the leader! the leader is still alive! our leader is still alive! dal yi... don't cry.... po su nim is not dead. you wait and see. in the hearts of all the people in this world,

he is still alive. who's that...? first, i'm going to tell everybody good news. leader has finally recovered, as we all hoped. now, we don't need to worry any more. he's already fully recovered, and able to ride a horse. i've already seen the leader riding a horse. i saw it too! i also saw it...!

don't believe the rumors that he's bedridden. you must certainly tell everyone in the city. our leader is alive and that is the truth! how can our leader die? he's still alive! still alive...! our leader's not dead! and also today, from within 'i come', a daring gunman appeared in broad daylight and killed leader wang.

i'm not in the business of killing people, but how can i just watch helplessly, while weak and innocent civilians are bullied. i do not accept the reality of corruption and struggle. i executed leader wang in the name of 'i come'. good job! castrate those bastards! castrate! castrate! castrate...! be quiet! just now, everybody said unanimously to castrate the bastards.

however, we have here, just such an evil bastard leader. because he said he wanted to make a clean break with the past, and turn over a new leaf, our leader accepted him. come, you come out. who is that? who? i am a fellow comrade, and in order to express my sincerity, i'm willing to take off the mask. isn't it min deuk?

this is min deuk. i used to bully innocent people, and disrupt urban society. i'd like to kneel down in front of everyone to beg forgiveness. if everyone is willing to give me the opportunity, i would like to save people and fight against corrupt officials. a beggar, a thief, i've had two wives, how about me?! let's forget about the past! we'll work together to eradicate corrupt officials! good! we'll do just that! eradicate corrupt officials ...!

what do you plan to do next? first, i will organise a group of merchants, as though i'm leaving. then, i'll pretend to be in the qing dynasty boat, but i'll come here. you can deceive dong nyeo, but what about sergeant kim? for a righteous cause, it has to be done. i've already hidden it from gwi dong. i'm more worried about you, than myself. chun doong! i really hate grandfather, and i'm unable to endure it.

what are you saying? who considers you more than your grandfather? it's been said that if you want to change this world, then we must open people's eyes. but, even if this world changes a thousand times, my ignorant grandfather's eyes will never open. grandpa can't recognize anything in front of him. just like this, he has been bullied throughout his life. how can he distinguish right from wrong?

it's up to you to understand and accept grandfather. even though i may one day die as an 'i come', as long as you are alive, it's enough. i think, for as long as you're alive, i will exist in your memory. in that way, i'll stay alive. but if you join the 'i come' group, and die before me... tell me. what am i going to do? as long as you remember me, isn't that enough?

i don't want to! i would rather die first, while you continue to live. chung doong... everyone, sit down. this person will inherit the position of 'i come' leader. we've met in the market before, do you remember me? yes, i remember you only had one eye. do you remember me? how could i forget?

thank you, for not forgetting me. i'm in the sharing group. i've already heard some things through hong. even though my rank is leader, how can i lead all you with high prestige? i'm not mature and experienced enough. i hope you can all guide me well. but, first of all, please accept this bowl of wine. you're hungry?

aigoo, i'm not. i'm not a bit hungry. strange you're not hungry. are you lying? there's food in the kitchen, eat before you go. i'm not here to eat. you're hungry, it's written all over your face. even so, i still don't want it. i'm here as a student to learn, not as a beggar. when did i say you were a beggar?

no matter what, i don't want to think about food. why are you here? i haven't come home for a long time, and i can't sleep, so i came looking for you. man deuk said you went to your old house, so i came too. it looks bleak. mmm. looks like we have to take advantage of this time while setting the monument, to also fix this. is it chung doong?

who's chung doong? you don't need to know. during the day, i went to the shed in the mountain, and found your writing. take it. it's full of stuff you used to become a ghost. i won't bother you in the future, don't worry. i have something to say. tell me. before, you told me not to fall for gwi dong.

was that what you think, or what gwi dong thinks? it's my opinion. do i have something that dissatisfies you? it's not because of dissatisfaction, but because to me, chung doong is like my son. i just felt bad for poor chun doong, and his loneliness. you dont need to be too concerned, forget it... do they fit? yes, good fit, and very comfortable.

however, why make such good shoes for me? why? are you afraid that if i give you these shoes, i will ask something of you? no, it's not that. i'm afraid because they're free. there's nothing to fear. it's because you've been helping us a lot. consider them a present for you. it's the first time i've worn such good shoes. yes, right.

generally, you've been wearing straw sandals. take good care of these shoes. wear them on a good road, where you'll meet lots of people. you don't need to say, i will surely cherish them. quickly, go and get ready to set off. when i heard mak soon wanted you to marry her, i thought you had already been given the slave contract. she said i will receive it when i get married, but because i didn't get married, she didn't give it to me.

why are you so stubborn? consider it as saving a life, and take her to live with you. why do you have to kick out those blessings that come rolling in? i don't think that way, nor do i have the strength. is there anyone who wants to buy taeng yeon? i don't know. i won't know until i take her to mak soon. anyway, if she can go to a good family, that will be fine. i also think the same way.

as i said... or didn't say. is taeng yeon to be sold to another place? yes, but not sure where. but it seems as if someone's already willing to take her. it's really a pity. but why isn't she coming out? i saw her go into the kitchen. ah...

are you not coming? i washed these shoes, but they're still wet. i have to wear them after lunch. i think they'll dry faster here. you all treat me so well. giving me 3 meals a day. nobody says anything when i eat too much. i'm really grateful. it's just like a dream.

are you all well? you have worked hard. director, i'll take that. give me the goods. i'll take them. do not cry. stop. why are you crying? making it uncomfortable for people who are leaving. even if i don't want to, tears just come out. it'll rain if you cry in front of those who are going overseas.

ai... if a big storm flips the boat, can you be responsible for that? our do gab's lifetime wish, was to follow his brother chung doong to qing or other places to do business. as his father, i'm going in place of our son. you should be happy and jump around. i now have two feelings.. one sadness and one happiness. i have three,

including wanting to hold you in my arms. i also have three. wanting to hold you is the third. do you want to do that standing or sitting? or do you want to lie down? standing up. this is different from what i was thinking. there's not much time, hurry and get up. return safely!

don't cry. then...we're going. see you at the pier. you've worked hard. then...bye. let's go! ok, i know. don't cry! it'll rain. buy a rice cake!

home made delicious rice cake! rice cake! delicious honey! mouth-watering honey! crispy sesame honey, honey pumpkin squares. and also honey mushroom with spicy sauce. two for the price of one! delicious honey! buy rice cakes! delicious rice cakes! these rice cakes taste particularly great. rice cakes!

i say, you might as well go read the scriptures. who's going to buy with the way you sell?! don't mess with me, shoo off! according to jo seon dal, hyung, you used to be a county supervisor!(hyung - older male friend) how dare you! how dare you call me hyung! what's the harm in calling you hyung? honestly, from a business point of view, you're like an apprentice.

i'll show you how to do business. just observe. what did you say? hurry up and move! watch. come! buy rice cakes, rice cakes! very chewy high class "yangban" rice cakes. the county supervisor delighted in eating these rice cakes, and nobody knows...rice cakes! rice cakes full of red beans.

buy some "yangbang" rice cakes. plain and "yangbang" rice cakes! "yangban" rice cakes, "yangban" rice cakes! i say, are those rice cakes divided into high and low class? the yangban call these yangban rice cakes. commoners call them common rice cakes. are these cakes really yangban cakes? it's because it's a "yangban" who's selling "yangban" rice cakes. aigoo, it's the first time i've ever heard of two classes of rice cakes. buy one to taste it.

it must be good to eat them and curse the yangban. that depends on the feelings of who's eating it. even if you don't curse, it's still delicious. how much for one yang? give me four. i say, "yangban", if these are not good, then you have to give up your "yangban" status. fine. thank you for buying.

please take care. brother, thanks. that's how you do business. so, what if i was a politician's son? all useless. i will remember that. hyung, let's get along, ok? even though others don't understand, you're very pleasing. i see that you're also pleasing little brother.

really? then as an affirmation of us getting along, let's exchange your rice cake for my honey.what do you think? let's do that. hyungnim, buy more. alright, bye. honey! buy honey! hey brother, when did you become brothers with that kind of person? he showed me how to do business. what's wrong with that?

as long as he doesn't say "this kiddo, that kiddo", it's fine with me. hyung, you've really gone to the end! the sun is setting. let's drink some rice wine... as long as you're buying, okay. i stopped by to see sam wol on the way here. i wasn't home. why did you go there? because i want to find out a few things. you mean the shady issue?

hyungnim, when sam wol was a slave in lord kim's house, are you certain jumo was the wet nurse for lord kim's baby?(jumo - female tavern owner) everyone knows that. at that time, on the same day as lord kim's son was born, a child was born to the wet nurse in the beggar's shed. i think, one day, the wet nurse exchanged the babies. how can that be? i've seen jumo and confirmed it. she said she exchanged them? how is it possible? although she said no...

you can hide everything, but your eyes reveal the truth. they were certainly swapped. but, swapping kids... it can't be done alone. are you suspecting sam wol? not sam wol. then tell me who helped? according to sam wol... at that time there was a workman named cheom ba, and one who helped jumo, named soe dol.

one of them could have helped. either that, or some outsider helped. what do you plan to do after you find out? when people know that sergeant kim is not lord kim's son, the kim family name will be disgraced. so...! after finding out the facts... you want me to threaten my sister and her husband? that's really... so you plan to sell rice cakes for the rest of your life?

-= korean folk village =- is director lee inside? he's inside collating documents and lists. are all the items loaded onto the boat? they said it'll be done today. ah. you came just in time. are you ready to go? i'm ready. all that's left is to load the crew. father's worried about you.

always seeing me as son, i don't know what to do. do you occasionally go to the tavern? i went two days ago to say "hello" to mother. you did well. i think you haven't been going. i've been busy recently. yesterday, someone fired at leader wang in broad daylight, but escaped. was he caught? no he wasn't.

seems like the act of an 'i come' thief. it hasn't been confirmed. no matter what, we occasionally hear rumors that kang po su is still alive. if it was me, i would regret having helped him escape from prison. i don't regret it. because i'll arrest him again. i like your air of confidence. is that sedan chair down there, the one you came in? next time, don't come to the temple in a sedan chair.

you're here to remove a burden off your shoulders. how can you increase the burden on the people who carry you on their shoulders in that sedan chair? master, to let the people who carry me live a better life, i've donated a lot. then don't donate anymore. a donor sitting in a sedan chair, only accumulates burden. even the people carrying the chair on their shoulders, will accumulate burden. why create one's own burden? i'm not coming to this temple anymore. i'm going to another! aigoo! i'm hungry! please give me some food.

the food's really delicious. yes.aigoo, and bring me spoons and chopsticks. because the elders are here, you give us spoons and chopsticks? it looks like we're better than dogs. noonim, who likened you to a dog?(noonim - older sister) a dog can't hold a spoon and put it in his mouth. what unni says is correct. dogs don't have fingers. yes, that's right.

oh, i nearly forgot. taeng yeon, when are you leaving? i'm leaving tomorrow. tomorrow? where will you go? i still don't know. she might first be sold to chung bo ahjussi, and then possibly resold to another place. aigoo, i'm really a little reluctant to part with you. so, you take this.

what is this? this is an extremely good fine-toothed comb. however, there's a tooth broken here. so don't use that side, this side is extremely good. of course. it looks very good. also, have this mirror. you don't know how clear your face looks in this. take this too. thank you!

ah, it's nothing. although it's a bit broken, it won't stop you from seeing your face. take it. what's the matter, younger brother? taeng yeon, i'll buy you a new one tomorrow. so let's throw this one away. no. compared to a new one, i like this better. didn't taeng yeon say she likes it? what's the matter with you younger brother? aigoo, if you want to give one, give a better one. what's this?! but still...

i can see more than one face in this mirror! - brother!- aigoo...this is good! i want to speak to you. you've heard what i said from jumo? let's not be hostile with each other. resolve the problem nicely. what is there to resolve? are you saying that you don't you understand me? i don't know what you're talking about. you'll know by talking to jumo.

anyway, if i'd been given the money within three days, i wouldn't be like this. why do inhumane things? who started doing inhumane things? anyway, i've said what i wanted to say. i'll leave first. when i was about your age, i was greedily reading yi manuscripts.(yi script - chinese characters) i'm giving you this set of yi manuscripts. find some time to read them. why don't you give your collection of books to gwi dong instead? you should know, that kid is not a person who reads.

what good are shelves filled with a million books? unless they're read, they're no use. gwi dong will be sad if he hears you. i can't help it if he's sad. that kid is so thick-skinned. you should know. let me see your hand. give me your hand and let me see. why is your hand so mottled? i got frostbite when i was young. are your feet okay?

the second toe on the right foot, was cut off due to frostbite. it doesn't hinder your walking? it's nothing major. take your sock off and let me see. it's alright. i'm telling you to take it off so i can see. i know a good doctor who treats frostbite. it's not to the extent where i need to see a doctor. it's not that. you have to treat the root.

let's go together, when i'm leaving. chung doong's room is still lit. director, sir! lord kim's here. were you making preparations for your business trip? yes, i returned safe and sound. we came back after father's merit monument was established. go and see it someday. because of the monument, the whole village is in awe. you should all be hungry. hurry and go inside.

i'll prepare dinner for you all, immediately. good, let's go inside. when do you leave? the boat leaves early tomorrow morning. please accept my sincere apologies before you leave. i'll forget about all of that when i'm gone. gwi dong, gwi dong...your mother was wrong... what are you doing here so late at night? why are you doing that?

because i couldn't sleep, i started washing dishes. but, why are you crying? i don't know, tears just started streaming down my face. is it because you don't know where you're going tomorrow, so you're afraid? i wish dawn would never come. i'm sorry. sorry for what? if it was me, i would run. no. why would i want to run away? madam treats me well.

you don't pull my hair, and you don't scold me or beat me. so, in your eyes i'm a good madam? it's cold, let's go in. no. i also can't sleep. as i'm here, we'll do the dishes together. has the portrait been painted? this drawing is based on what the witnesses saw. this is that person's portrait.

because the face is covered, he will be hard to identify. what do you think? does it look like the person who shot your leader? yes, similar. i... i'm not sure. sir, someone in the courtyard is looking for you. me? this is curfew time. why ride the horse over? i have a "no ban" permit.

where did this "no ban" permit come from?-= no ban permit: special government permit allowing certain personnel to carry prohibited items =- your father specially requested the permit to be sent to me. oh, my father treats you better than me. now, its time to go. oh, take a look at an interesting portrait before you go. it's the person who shot leader wang. even though his face is masked, doesn't he look like you? yes. but am i so ugly? this is you, take a closer look.

it looks exactly like you. then, you mean i shot leader wang? of course it's not you! thank you. in fact i really would have liked to shoot leader wang. i also would have liked to shoot him. then, let's just say i shot him. gwi dong...chung doong is my blood relation, you are not. now the things i can do after i ask for forgiveness are through chung dong. to inherit our family lineage.

can it be that i now have to get out of the house? you're not that family's son. why must you make a big deal in that family? hoping i self-destruct after my peasant identity has been exposed to the world? we can't get married. do you think lord kim is not my father?

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