Friday, August 26, 2016

breastfeeding and periods

breastfeeding and periods

i want to know the signs you are ovulatingwhile breastfeeding. i see you’re trying to avoid the mistakemany women make in assuming you cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding, and end up sendingin urine samples for test in baby food jars. you’re right, i know people who got pregnantafter the kid started eating solids. that’s why i want to know if i am ovulating. watch your cervical mucus. i’m busy watching a baby get into things. it changes from white or yellow, thick andsticky, you are not fertile. and the sign you are ovulating is when it changes to thin,clear and watery.

i’ve heard of monitoring that when tryingto get pregnant. the same changes happen to the cervical mucuswhen you are not trying to get pregnant but could, such as when your fertility returnswhen breastfeeding wanes. what are some other signs my fertility mightbe returning? if you track your basal body temperature,it will spike the day after you ovulate. that’s a day too late unless we’re usingthe abstinence method. i would consider waking up for feedings acouple of times a night enough to turn off the mood. breastfeeding puts out hormones that put everyoneback to sleep fast.

i’d still think feeding every two to threehours was a pain. speaking of pain, cramps on one side of your abdomen that last onlya day can be a sign of ovulation. i’m glad i’m one of the four in five womenwho do not develop that sign. and a lot of those who do get it mistake itfor something else. yeah, walking around at an awkward angle withthe baby on your hip. that won’t change the cervix. you were already telling me about the mucusit makes. at the start of your cycle, the cervix islow, hard and closed. when you are about to ovulate, even when breastfeeding, it becomessofter and goes higher up.

its not like i could feel that. if you could reach in with your long fingerand normally feel it, and it feels like the tip of your nose, and now you reach in andcan’t feel it or it is farther and softer, you’re probably about to ovulate. the last time anyone checked that was to seehow far i dilated when i was in labor. or maybe in the last ob visit to make sure itwasn’t prolapsed. then get contraception so you do not get pregnantbefore you’re ready for another kid.

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