Tuesday, August 23, 2016

breastfeeding and coffee

breastfeeding and coffee

somebody's moms internationally aretaking multitasking to the next level there's a mom in chinawho is a recently stopped by police on a moped handle her hand on the handlebarssimultaneously breastfeeding her child 18 mobile site writing down the street the badass or just bad just well okay so let me three practices i'mnot a mom i think it's just bad but this you're not alone in this thisis pretty much international epidemic officer the plant now i'm damage it'shard to see how it looks like it's crazy

it is a great leaders like a websitededicated to it to this it's great it's really come fire so these moms are like look if my kidshungry i'm feeling it i don't care what you'resaying offices of course the argument against that obvious rightyou know you're engaging your own life their child's life and of course driverson the road around you up so the question is is this is more orless dangerous than texting and driving i'm going to gowith slightly more dangerous during that there's a baby about

i yeah you would think that with theobvious but these my mid-twenties months is actually quoted as saying it's not like i'mtrying to change a diaper or something it's not like i'm on my cell phone isubmit the talking on a cell phone cause this far more destruction the nursingyour child while it's just lying there like a pillow soland little a dissident as your every just explained have it inchina was your friend ted don't it's not as international we dohere at home yes sir yes yes yes so far you know the one was in june 2008 fromdrive from mad

detroit to pittsburgh inc stop ohioturnpike 1 2009 also in ohio so i don't know thisisn't in the midwest and ok in ohio stress do this up by i like the woman's name catherine dunkers yeagathering doctors was like what's the big deal man okay i'm not ready to diefor yea itself i don't think i could handleit i'll just say that i can't put on lipstick and drive so this would be ambitious for me yeahall bahut

but also i don't know what it's like tohave a screaming baby in so i think for some of these moms they're just like whatever it takes to shut the kid up i'mgonna do it i no of course i totally understand thatand i wouldn't be very judgmental about wedo with your kids because i have kids spite rapid so i've been there sister iunderstand you gotta pull over to the side there you gohave to because there you go you i mean look one of them had the kid upagainst the steering wheel that's dangerous yeah i mean like if youhave an accident

the airbag deploys of goodnight ireneits i mean let alone in their bag doesn'tlook right right house of the baby you can't hold a baby and that's the wholepoint you have the baby in the bbc that all times that so hard-and-fast all over your for good reason so this isoverwhelmingly guilty there's no question about it yesup but also having kids i mean danger on kid that way your of racism and i don't care how busy youri don't know how urgent you think the situation is

ambos totally outside about to say thisthat i get a parent like doesn't get to that place would you dofeel like you can't do all these tasks and manage themsuccessfully got like parrots are the king and queen of multitasking is do you get like %uh some supermanfeeling at some point impairing now now not know rights yeah they lookat you you multitask it oftentimes disrupt that so you just gotta know your prioritieswhen you're multitasking so if you're carrying

the water or coffee run everything isokay and like looks like oh my god i something's gonna fall let the coffeefor my bucket okay here you can see what i'm sayingfound something to me it's very hard to clean up if you have issues but don't drop itdon't get as my word to the wise yeah i stevo as three kids look at hispicture the great thing is he's a rest home itbecause he doesn't get injured yeah i i right how awesome that picturehe's like i don't hear her nowhere home it my wife my kids throughthe back

no helmet breastfeeding yeah it's thesame thing i don't think this baby helmets because i don't think this post for mymotorcycle there yet because you didn't fit in she likes i've that i know this other than i even likea she's a bit early on bill poet fell that's insane man how badthat's a look again a i'm gonna be a slide down hereat once those a divall an accident in turkey i wasn'tdriving i was on a bus and i got any made a sudden stop and itwas a truck to pick up truck behind it

slammed into the back of the bus thereare people who were sitting in the pickup art and and they flew outyou know my it was like the grisly is terror mostterrible thing i've ever seen after that i took zero percent chance ison any seat belt any big not remotely manyou see people on the road like that rate you never score ourshit like that

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