Wednesday, August 31, 2016

breastfeeding and wine

breastfeeding and wine

move aside! -= episode 24 =- you! get out of the way! all you guys, get out of the way! grab the one with the hat! stop right there! leader wang is dead! leader! this guy is one of leader wang's men.

rotten brat... that man is also one of leader wang's men! all you people, stop it! really... beat him... you there, stop! considering our past friendship, i'll spare your life. get out of the way! take the body away.

yes. what are they doing?! what are you looking at? get out of the way! you are the ones who should move! really... don't act rashly, pick up the pistols and bayonets! they're not constables! they are leader wang's group, his men! let's kill all of them! get out! get out!

go! yes! make way! make way! even earthworms that get stepped on, will struggle. all of you will end up like leader wang. if you give the order, i will grab a few of the leaders. no need to worry. chun doong! i'm here! you're not hurt?

yes, i'm okay. and you, elder? how can anything happen to me, i'm fine. after you escaped, i confirmed that leader wang was definitely dead. he died from a bullet through his head. no one saw you? yes, fortunately i escaped safely. i saw how people at the market reacted today. they hated leader wang down to the bone. no one felt pity for him.

we did the right thing killing him. i don't care if it was right or wrong, i only know my heart is not at ease. what does that mean? if that guy's death can change the present situation a little, no matter how, we had to kill him sooner or later. you don't need to have a conscience, and feel sorry. today, if not for you elder, it wouldn't have gone so smoothly. what words...

i felt proud because of you. why is the body so badly damaged? when the constables arrived at the scene, everybody was abusing his body. i heard there were even people who threw stones at the constables. not only stones, but curses and attempts to attack us.the atmosphere was not ordinary. so, we just sit and watch them do outrageous things? there were too many of them. we didn't lose anybody, and were lucky to escape safely. people are more and more difficult to control.

the police's dignity has been trampled to the ground. please give me your order. i will bring all the constables from headquarters, and arrest all those people who threw stones. that's not possible. doing so will only lead to chaos. it's best to handle things quietly. what is it? leader wang's men have asked to take away the body.

is there anything else that we want to check? no. then give the body back to them. are you sure that the 'i come' thief did it? isn't it also possible that other local ruffians might have done it? how could anyone else kill leader wang in broad daylight? if not for the 'i come' thief, this wouldn't have happened. ho pan supervisor will be very sad. there won't be another person like leader wang, who sends large tributes to the criminal prison department.

weren't you also very close to leader wang? i only help the criminal prison department as a messenger. i wasn't really close to him. so, you're saying that as a messenger, you didn't receive any bribes? only a few times for running around. talking of bribes, captain gong should have received the most. he was always attached to leader wang's backside. not many will mourn leader wang's death. in police headquarters, sergeant kim and i are the only two.

even so, general sir, shouldn't you feel a little bit sad? i heard you two were the last ones to run after the man? however, because i was tripped up by villains on the way, i wasn't able to catch up with him. that means you were chasing that guy until the end? did you manage to see that person's face? because he covered his face, i couldn't see it. how tall was he? he was about seven feet tall. come! selling honey! leader wang is finally dead!

he's dead, he's dead! he's really dead! leader wang is finally dead! it's said that leader wang is dead. happy! really happy! director! mmm... have you heard the rumors? leader wang was killed in the market by an 'i come' thief with a gun. i also heard that rumor.

if someone dies, we should feel sad, but everybody is delighted, as if they're having a wedding. did agasshi say when she would be back? she said she'd be back tomorrow night. did lord kim go with her? yes, man deuk hyung also went with them. while agasshi's away, you'll have to take care of matters carefully. yes, you don't have to worry. aigoo, where did you leave do gab's father. how come you're alone?

he has something important to do. if our do gab's father knows that leader wang is dead, he'll be extremely happy. i'm going inside to rest. mmm, go and rest. what are you doing? you came just in time. i was just preparing to weave the money rope. since you're here, help me make a few.

i have no time for this. there's a few things i need to tell leader. what have you got to say to leader? if you've anything to say, then say it through me, the leader of monetary distribution. do you know leader wang died today? of course! i know everything faster than you. that's why i'm your leader. so, do you know who killed leader wang? do you know?

i know. the one that killed leader wang is our future leader. furthermore, i was there when leader wang died. left! right! helping him guard the area. so you... you! keep your voice down. you know who killed leader wang? i was with him. who was it? who killed leader wang?

i can't tell you now. i thought your people's network was small. i didn't expect it to be so big! i might not become one of your monetary distribution members. holding a gun, joining the assassination team. assassination team? want to see it? oh my god! today, leader wang nearly died by my own hand. see that?

don't even try to catch up with me. just work hard weaving your rope. is the leader in the room? go in and see. you all did great! i did next to nothing, i just helped director lee. what did the other leaders think? the death of leader wang is a hard fact! what can they say?

they've all agreed to listen to your plans. leader sir... thousands of people in the city are looking forward to you leading a long life. as long as 'i come' exists, the local ruffians won't dare take money from the market traders. even constables are very afraid of the market traders. this is all due to your influence, leader. make an announcement immediately, and then ask chung doong to see me. let's talk.

what brings you here? this. pass it around. tonight there's a public meeting, gather everybody together. -= public meeting: a meeting to discuss views and make decisions =- give me a bowl of yakju.(yakju - liquor made from fermented rice) the meeting is set for tonight. dal yi? you know about leader wang's death? i heard the rumors. who did it?

chung doong killed him. how could he? jang kkok ji, who planned this with chung doong, is at our base. and also, leader can't possibly last the night. please attend the public meeting tonight. come in. is anything the matter? an unfamiliar merchant, asked me to pass this letter to you, sir.

alright, you can go now. if anyone is looking for me, just tell them i'll be home late tonight. yes, sir. director lee hasn't come yet? i've already passed the secret letter, he should be on his way now. we will follow your orders. all the other leaders will accept director lee as the new chief. don't get too anxious, please calm yourself. how is he?

he's waiting for you, quickly go inside. okay. leader sir, director lee has come. po su nim... i've done so many things that i'm sorry for, po su nim. chun... chun dong. yes, po su nim. hold.. hold...hold my hand. are you grasping it?

i'm holding it now. i can't feel it. i have absolutely no regrets. hong po su... yes, leader. about my death, i don't want it openly announced. i'll do that. chun doong... you've now begun to pick up the gun,

for the people's redress. born as a man, there is nothing more glorious than this thing. as you wish, i will take up your drum and walk to a high platform. this... sir... po su nim. leader, leader... someone's coming... everybody get up!

it's the leader. is it really the leader? it's the leader! the leader is still alive! our leader is still alive! dal yi... don't cry.... po su nim is not dead. you wait and see. in the hearts of all the people in this world,

he is still alive. who's that...? first, i'm going to tell everybody good news. leader has finally recovered, as we all hoped. now, we don't need to worry any more. he's already fully recovered, and able to ride a horse. i've already seen the leader riding a horse. i saw it too! i also saw it...!

don't believe the rumors that he's bedridden. you must certainly tell everyone in the city. our leader is alive and that is the truth! how can our leader die? he's still alive! still alive...! our leader's not dead! and also today, from within 'i come', a daring gunman appeared in broad daylight and killed leader wang.

i'm not in the business of killing people, but how can i just watch helplessly, while weak and innocent civilians are bullied. i do not accept the reality of corruption and struggle. i executed leader wang in the name of 'i come'. good job! castrate those bastards! castrate! castrate! castrate...! be quiet! just now, everybody said unanimously to castrate the bastards.

however, we have here, just such an evil bastard leader. because he said he wanted to make a clean break with the past, and turn over a new leaf, our leader accepted him. come, you come out. who is that? who? i am a fellow comrade, and in order to express my sincerity, i'm willing to take off the mask. isn't it min deuk?

this is min deuk. i used to bully innocent people, and disrupt urban society. i'd like to kneel down in front of everyone to beg forgiveness. if everyone is willing to give me the opportunity, i would like to save people and fight against corrupt officials. a beggar, a thief, i've had two wives, how about me?! let's forget about the past! we'll work together to eradicate corrupt officials! good! we'll do just that! eradicate corrupt officials ...!

what do you plan to do next? first, i will organise a group of merchants, as though i'm leaving. then, i'll pretend to be in the qing dynasty boat, but i'll come here. you can deceive dong nyeo, but what about sergeant kim? for a righteous cause, it has to be done. i've already hidden it from gwi dong. i'm more worried about you, than myself. chun doong! i really hate grandfather, and i'm unable to endure it.

what are you saying? who considers you more than your grandfather? it's been said that if you want to change this world, then we must open people's eyes. but, even if this world changes a thousand times, my ignorant grandfather's eyes will never open. grandpa can't recognize anything in front of him. just like this, he has been bullied throughout his life. how can he distinguish right from wrong?

it's up to you to understand and accept grandfather. even though i may one day die as an 'i come', as long as you are alive, it's enough. i think, for as long as you're alive, i will exist in your memory. in that way, i'll stay alive. but if you join the 'i come' group, and die before me... tell me. what am i going to do? as long as you remember me, isn't that enough?

i don't want to! i would rather die first, while you continue to live. chung doong... everyone, sit down. this person will inherit the position of 'i come' leader. we've met in the market before, do you remember me? yes, i remember you only had one eye. do you remember me? how could i forget?

thank you, for not forgetting me. i'm in the sharing group. i've already heard some things through hong. even though my rank is leader, how can i lead all you with high prestige? i'm not mature and experienced enough. i hope you can all guide me well. but, first of all, please accept this bowl of wine. you're hungry?

aigoo, i'm not. i'm not a bit hungry. strange you're not hungry. are you lying? there's food in the kitchen, eat before you go. i'm not here to eat. you're hungry, it's written all over your face. even so, i still don't want it. i'm here as a student to learn, not as a beggar. when did i say you were a beggar?

no matter what, i don't want to think about food. why are you here? i haven't come home for a long time, and i can't sleep, so i came looking for you. man deuk said you went to your old house, so i came too. it looks bleak. mmm. looks like we have to take advantage of this time while setting the monument, to also fix this. is it chung doong?

who's chung doong? you don't need to know. during the day, i went to the shed in the mountain, and found your writing. take it. it's full of stuff you used to become a ghost. i won't bother you in the future, don't worry. i have something to say. tell me. before, you told me not to fall for gwi dong.

was that what you think, or what gwi dong thinks? it's my opinion. do i have something that dissatisfies you? it's not because of dissatisfaction, but because to me, chung doong is like my son. i just felt bad for poor chun doong, and his loneliness. you dont need to be too concerned, forget it... do they fit? yes, good fit, and very comfortable.

however, why make such good shoes for me? why? are you afraid that if i give you these shoes, i will ask something of you? no, it's not that. i'm afraid because they're free. there's nothing to fear. it's because you've been helping us a lot. consider them a present for you. it's the first time i've worn such good shoes. yes, right.

generally, you've been wearing straw sandals. take good care of these shoes. wear them on a good road, where you'll meet lots of people. you don't need to say, i will surely cherish them. quickly, go and get ready to set off. when i heard mak soon wanted you to marry her, i thought you had already been given the slave contract. she said i will receive it when i get married, but because i didn't get married, she didn't give it to me.

why are you so stubborn? consider it as saving a life, and take her to live with you. why do you have to kick out those blessings that come rolling in? i don't think that way, nor do i have the strength. is there anyone who wants to buy taeng yeon? i don't know. i won't know until i take her to mak soon. anyway, if she can go to a good family, that will be fine. i also think the same way.

as i said... or didn't say. is taeng yeon to be sold to another place? yes, but not sure where. but it seems as if someone's already willing to take her. it's really a pity. but why isn't she coming out? i saw her go into the kitchen. ah...

are you not coming? i washed these shoes, but they're still wet. i have to wear them after lunch. i think they'll dry faster here. you all treat me so well. giving me 3 meals a day. nobody says anything when i eat too much. i'm really grateful. it's just like a dream.

are you all well? you have worked hard. director, i'll take that. give me the goods. i'll take them. do not cry. stop. why are you crying? making it uncomfortable for people who are leaving. even if i don't want to, tears just come out. it'll rain if you cry in front of those who are going overseas.

ai... if a big storm flips the boat, can you be responsible for that? our do gab's lifetime wish, was to follow his brother chung doong to qing or other places to do business. as his father, i'm going in place of our son. you should be happy and jump around. i now have two feelings.. one sadness and one happiness. i have three,

including wanting to hold you in my arms. i also have three. wanting to hold you is the third. do you want to do that standing or sitting? or do you want to lie down? standing up. this is different from what i was thinking. there's not much time, hurry and get up. return safely!

don't cry. then...we're going. see you at the pier. you've worked hard. then...bye. let's go! ok, i know. don't cry! it'll rain. buy a rice cake!

home made delicious rice cake! rice cake! delicious honey! mouth-watering honey! crispy sesame honey, honey pumpkin squares. and also honey mushroom with spicy sauce. two for the price of one! delicious honey! buy rice cakes! delicious rice cakes! these rice cakes taste particularly great. rice cakes!

i say, you might as well go read the scriptures. who's going to buy with the way you sell?! don't mess with me, shoo off! according to jo seon dal, hyung, you used to be a county supervisor!(hyung - older male friend) how dare you! how dare you call me hyung! what's the harm in calling you hyung? honestly, from a business point of view, you're like an apprentice.

i'll show you how to do business. just observe. what did you say? hurry up and move! watch. come! buy rice cakes, rice cakes! very chewy high class "yangban" rice cakes. the county supervisor delighted in eating these rice cakes, and nobody knows...rice cakes! rice cakes full of red beans.

buy some "yangbang" rice cakes. plain and "yangbang" rice cakes! "yangban" rice cakes, "yangban" rice cakes! i say, are those rice cakes divided into high and low class? the yangban call these yangban rice cakes. commoners call them common rice cakes. are these cakes really yangban cakes? it's because it's a "yangban" who's selling "yangban" rice cakes. aigoo, it's the first time i've ever heard of two classes of rice cakes. buy one to taste it.

it must be good to eat them and curse the yangban. that depends on the feelings of who's eating it. even if you don't curse, it's still delicious. how much for one yang? give me four. i say, "yangban", if these are not good, then you have to give up your "yangban" status. fine. thank you for buying.

please take care. brother, thanks. that's how you do business. so, what if i was a politician's son? all useless. i will remember that. hyung, let's get along, ok? even though others don't understand, you're very pleasing. i see that you're also pleasing little brother.

really? then as an affirmation of us getting along, let's exchange your rice cake for my honey.what do you think? let's do that. hyungnim, buy more. alright, bye. honey! buy honey! hey brother, when did you become brothers with that kind of person? he showed me how to do business. what's wrong with that?

as long as he doesn't say "this kiddo, that kiddo", it's fine with me. hyung, you've really gone to the end! the sun is setting. let's drink some rice wine... as long as you're buying, okay. i stopped by to see sam wol on the way here. i wasn't home. why did you go there? because i want to find out a few things. you mean the shady issue?

hyungnim, when sam wol was a slave in lord kim's house, are you certain jumo was the wet nurse for lord kim's baby?(jumo - female tavern owner) everyone knows that. at that time, on the same day as lord kim's son was born, a child was born to the wet nurse in the beggar's shed. i think, one day, the wet nurse exchanged the babies. how can that be? i've seen jumo and confirmed it. she said she exchanged them? how is it possible? although she said no...

you can hide everything, but your eyes reveal the truth. they were certainly swapped. but, swapping kids... it can't be done alone. are you suspecting sam wol? not sam wol. then tell me who helped? according to sam wol... at that time there was a workman named cheom ba, and one who helped jumo, named soe dol.

one of them could have helped. either that, or some outsider helped. what do you plan to do after you find out? when people know that sergeant kim is not lord kim's son, the kim family name will be disgraced. so...! after finding out the facts... you want me to threaten my sister and her husband? that's really... so you plan to sell rice cakes for the rest of your life?

-= korean folk village =- is director lee inside? he's inside collating documents and lists. are all the items loaded onto the boat? they said it'll be done today. ah. you came just in time. are you ready to go? i'm ready. all that's left is to load the crew. father's worried about you.

always seeing me as son, i don't know what to do. do you occasionally go to the tavern? i went two days ago to say "hello" to mother. you did well. i think you haven't been going. i've been busy recently. yesterday, someone fired at leader wang in broad daylight, but escaped. was he caught? no he wasn't.

seems like the act of an 'i come' thief. it hasn't been confirmed. no matter what, we occasionally hear rumors that kang po su is still alive. if it was me, i would regret having helped him escape from prison. i don't regret it. because i'll arrest him again. i like your air of confidence. is that sedan chair down there, the one you came in? next time, don't come to the temple in a sedan chair.

you're here to remove a burden off your shoulders. how can you increase the burden on the people who carry you on their shoulders in that sedan chair? master, to let the people who carry me live a better life, i've donated a lot. then don't donate anymore. a donor sitting in a sedan chair, only accumulates burden. even the people carrying the chair on their shoulders, will accumulate burden. why create one's own burden? i'm not coming to this temple anymore. i'm going to another! aigoo! i'm hungry! please give me some food.

the food's really delicious. yes.aigoo, and bring me spoons and chopsticks. because the elders are here, you give us spoons and chopsticks? it looks like we're better than dogs. noonim, who likened you to a dog?(noonim - older sister) a dog can't hold a spoon and put it in his mouth. what unni says is correct. dogs don't have fingers. yes, that's right.

oh, i nearly forgot. taeng yeon, when are you leaving? i'm leaving tomorrow. tomorrow? where will you go? i still don't know. she might first be sold to chung bo ahjussi, and then possibly resold to another place. aigoo, i'm really a little reluctant to part with you. so, you take this.

what is this? this is an extremely good fine-toothed comb. however, there's a tooth broken here. so don't use that side, this side is extremely good. of course. it looks very good. also, have this mirror. you don't know how clear your face looks in this. take this too. thank you!

ah, it's nothing. although it's a bit broken, it won't stop you from seeing your face. take it. what's the matter, younger brother? taeng yeon, i'll buy you a new one tomorrow. so let's throw this one away. no. compared to a new one, i like this better. didn't taeng yeon say she likes it? what's the matter with you younger brother? aigoo, if you want to give one, give a better one. what's this?! but still...

i can see more than one face in this mirror! - brother!- aigoo...this is good! i want to speak to you. you've heard what i said from jumo? let's not be hostile with each other. resolve the problem nicely. what is there to resolve? are you saying that you don't you understand me? i don't know what you're talking about. you'll know by talking to jumo.

anyway, if i'd been given the money within three days, i wouldn't be like this. why do inhumane things? who started doing inhumane things? anyway, i've said what i wanted to say. i'll leave first. when i was about your age, i was greedily reading yi manuscripts.(yi script - chinese characters) i'm giving you this set of yi manuscripts. find some time to read them. why don't you give your collection of books to gwi dong instead? you should know, that kid is not a person who reads.

what good are shelves filled with a million books? unless they're read, they're no use. gwi dong will be sad if he hears you. i can't help it if he's sad. that kid is so thick-skinned. you should know. let me see your hand. give me your hand and let me see. why is your hand so mottled? i got frostbite when i was young. are your feet okay?

the second toe on the right foot, was cut off due to frostbite. it doesn't hinder your walking? it's nothing major. take your sock off and let me see. it's alright. i'm telling you to take it off so i can see. i know a good doctor who treats frostbite. it's not to the extent where i need to see a doctor. it's not that. you have to treat the root.

let's go together, when i'm leaving. chung doong's room is still lit. director, sir! lord kim's here. were you making preparations for your business trip? yes, i returned safe and sound. we came back after father's merit monument was established. go and see it someday. because of the monument, the whole village is in awe. you should all be hungry. hurry and go inside.

i'll prepare dinner for you all, immediately. good, let's go inside. when do you leave? the boat leaves early tomorrow morning. please accept my sincere apologies before you leave. i'll forget about all of that when i'm gone. gwi dong, gwi dong...your mother was wrong... what are you doing here so late at night? why are you doing that?

because i couldn't sleep, i started washing dishes. but, why are you crying? i don't know, tears just started streaming down my face. is it because you don't know where you're going tomorrow, so you're afraid? i wish dawn would never come. i'm sorry. sorry for what? if it was me, i would run. no. why would i want to run away? madam treats me well.

you don't pull my hair, and you don't scold me or beat me. so, in your eyes i'm a good madam? it's cold, let's go in. no. i also can't sleep. as i'm here, we'll do the dishes together. has the portrait been painted? this drawing is based on what the witnesses saw. this is that person's portrait.

because the face is covered, he will be hard to identify. what do you think? does it look like the person who shot your leader? yes, similar. i... i'm not sure. sir, someone in the courtyard is looking for you. me? this is curfew time. why ride the horse over? i have a "no ban" permit.

where did this "no ban" permit come from?-= no ban permit: special government permit allowing certain personnel to carry prohibited items =- your father specially requested the permit to be sent to me. oh, my father treats you better than me. now, its time to go. oh, take a look at an interesting portrait before you go. it's the person who shot leader wang. even though his face is masked, doesn't he look like you? yes. but am i so ugly? this is you, take a closer look.

it looks exactly like you. then, you mean i shot leader wang? of course it's not you! thank you. in fact i really would have liked to shoot leader wang. i also would have liked to shoot him. then, let's just say i shot him. gwi dong...chung doong is my blood relation, you are not. now the things i can do after i ask for forgiveness are through chung dong. to inherit our family lineage.

can it be that i now have to get out of the house? you're not that family's son. why must you make a big deal in that family? hoping i self-destruct after my peasant identity has been exposed to the world? we can't get married. do you think lord kim is not my father?

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

breastfeeding and smoking

breastfeeding and smoking

we all know that smoking is bad for you, there's even a possibility that there was a horribly frightening advertisement before this video featuring some person who talks through a hole in their throat. you shouldn't smoke, and you know the reasons why. or do you? there are, in fact, some really surprising and weird reasons to not smoke, in addition to all the normal horrible ones, and we're going to talk about a few of those now. number one: smoking makes your boobs sag. that's right, boob sagginess is a real, scientifically studied thing, and among the risk factors are being overweight, having larger breasts, having babies, and smoking cigarettes. things that do not affect boob sagginess, whether or not you breastfeed, weight gain during pregnancy, and lack of upper body exercise.

so now you know! two: like listening to music? watching movies? hearing... things? smokers are 70% more likely to develop hearing loss than non-smokers. even worse, development of hearing loss in smokers happens much earlier than in the general population. smokers start losing their hearing in their 40's or 50's instead of their 60's or 70's. number three: if you're not worried about saggy boobs, because you don't have any boobs, allow me to scare the cigarette right outta your mouth. men who currently and formerly smoked were about 30% more likely to suffer from impotence. while you, and maybe even your lady friend, might think that that cigarette sticking out of your mouth makes you look super sexy, it's not gonna matter if you can't get it up. four: if you don't care what you look like or whether you can get it up, and you don't have any kids, and you live alone, with a bunch of dogs and cats, think about their health.

secondhand smoke has been proven to cause nasal and lung cancer in dogs, and malignant lymphoma in cats. this might seem inconsequential when compared to the human health risks, but 37% of smokers said that clear evidence that smoking was bad for their pets would motivate them to quit. and finally number 5: you like being happy? in a study of more than 7000 adults, smokers were found to be less happy than non-smokers and ex-smokers who had quit more than one year previously. healthy body, healthy mind, i suppose. too bad those things are so freakin' addictive. my strategy, which has worked for me thus far, is to never let one of those things anywhere near my mouth. i suggest you try it too. thank you for watching this episode of scishow. if you have any questions or ideas for future videos, please leave them down below in the comments or even get in touch with us on facebook ( or twitter ( if you wanna continue getting smarter with us, go to and subscribe. we'll see ya next time.

Monday, August 29, 2016

breastfeeding and pumping schedule

breastfeeding and pumping schedule

hey guys! it's amy. welcome back to my channel. so i was lucky enough to stay at home with my daughter natalie and breastfeed for three months. i wish i could have stayed at home with herlonger, but some of us girls gotta get back to work and pay some bills! which means... pumping at work! so i had no clue on how i was gonna pump at work and i read all the different blogs and stuff but honestly... i kinda just wanted to watch someone do it so that i could see how it was done so i could figure out how i wanted to do it. so today, i'm gonna show you how i pump at work!

pumping can be a fairly time-consuming process. you'll be taking about 20 minutes of worktime several times a day so it's important to be able to pump andget back to work as quickly as possible make sure you check out my previousvideo "what's in pump bag!" for a supplies list of what i take with me each time i pump. before i went back to work, i madesure i talked to my employer beforehand about having a private space to pump. of course you'll need a table and a chair, but you'll also need an outlet to plug in your pump. the first thing i do is lay out a burp cloth on the table

and unpack all the things i will need: my hands free pumping bra a cooler bag where i keep my bottles and my pump parts i start by attaching the pump parts ontothe bottles and make sure they're tightly screwed on. this ensures a proper seal for optimal pumping. and then i can put on my pumping bra. i always make sure i wear a nursing bra and a top that i can easily unbutton or open up. you can also use a nursing cover if you feel like you need more coverage. then i clip my hair up to keep it out of the way because... nobody likes hair in their food! lol

and i carefully insert the pump flanges into the hands free pumping bra and makesure the flanges are centered over my nipples this is why this bra is so awesome because it holds up the pump parts for me. and then i insert the tubing into the breast pump connectors and plug in the other end of the tubing into the pump and turn on the dial tobegin pumping. and adjust the speed to my comfort level. the pump will start in the simulation phase. once i feel my milk starting to flow, i press the let down button, which starts the expression phase.

and i start the timer to pump for 20 minutes so to pass the time, i like to write inmy journal and think about my baby and document her milestones or i'll scroll through her pictures on my phone or maybe surf the net. so every once in a while, i massage mybreasts to try to get more milk out. this also helps if you have clogged ducts and can help stimulate a second let down. when i'm done, i just unplug the tubing and slowly remove the breast shields from the pumping bra and carefully place the bottleson top of the burp cloth

as i'm just unscrewing the breast shields, i also gently tap out any excess milk into the bottles... becauseevery drop counts! so i just combined the milk, and i like to turn the bottle to makesure i get all the little droplets on the sides. and then i label the milk so i knowexactly when i pumped it. so that's basically how i pump at work, inurse her in the morning around 6am and then my husband drops her off atdaycare and then i'm at work for about 8 hours. i pump three times a day starting at 9am, 12pm and thenagain at 2:30

for about 20 minutes per session. andthen i nurse her when i get home and then once again before bed. i hopeyou found this video helpful. let me know in the comments below if youlike seeing videos like this. thank you so much for watching! i'll see next video! bye!

Friday, August 26, 2016

breastfeeding and periods

breastfeeding and periods

i want to know the signs you are ovulatingwhile breastfeeding. i see you̢۪re trying to avoid the mistakemany women make in assuming you cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding, and end up sendingin urine samples for test in baby food jars. you̢۪re right, i know people who got pregnantafter the kid started eating solids. that̢۪s why i want to know if i am ovulating. watch your cervical mucus. i̢۪m busy watching a baby get into things. it changes from white or yellow, thick andsticky, you are not fertile. and the sign you are ovulating is when it changes to thin,clear and watery.

i̢۪ve heard of monitoring that when tryingto get pregnant. the same changes happen to the cervical mucuswhen you are not trying to get pregnant but could, such as when your fertility returnswhen breastfeeding wanes. what are some other signs my fertility mightbe returning? if you track your basal body temperature,it will spike the day after you ovulate. that̢۪s a day too late unless we̢۪re usingthe abstinence method. i would consider waking up for feedings acouple of times a night enough to turn off the mood. breastfeeding puts out hormones that put everyoneback to sleep fast.

i̢۪d still think feeding every two to threehours was a pain. speaking of pain, cramps on one side of your abdomen that last onlya day can be a sign of ovulation. i̢۪m glad i̢۪m one of the four in five womenwho do not develop that sign. and a lot of those who do get it mistake itfor something else. yeah, walking around at an awkward angle withthe baby on your hip. that won̢۪t change the cervix. you were already telling me about the mucusit makes. at the start of your cycle, the cervix islow, hard and closed. when you are about to ovulate, even when breastfeeding, it becomessofter and goes higher up.

its not like i could feel that. if you could reach in with your long fingerand normally feel it, and it feels like the tip of your nose, and now you reach in andcan̢۪t feel it or it is farther and softer, you̢۪re probably about to ovulate. the last time anyone checked that was to seehow far i dilated when i was in labor. or maybe in the last ob visit to make sure itwasn̢۪t prolapsed. then get contraception so you do not get pregnantbefore you̢۪re ready for another kid.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

breastfeeding and hiv

breastfeeding and hiv

(image source: flickr / various brennemans) by jasmine bailey researchers at duke university have identifieda protein in breast milk that prevents infants from contracting hiv from their infected mothers. it's long been thought a mother's milk hadpreventative properties but this is the first time the substance has been identified. (viawncn) it's called tenascin-c or tnc. researchershave known about the protein's wound healing abilities but the discovery of antimicrobialcapabilities could help create new ways to prevent hiv. (via international business times)

in a statement the lead author said: "eventhough we have antiretroviral drugs that can work to prevent mother-to-child transmission,not every pregnant woman is being tested for hiv ... so there is still a need for alternativestrategies to prevent mother-to-child transmission, which is why this work is important." (viaduke university) tnc works to fight hiv transmitting by defusingthe virus. researchers say they can use this discoveryto possibly create a treatment given to infants before they begin breastfeeding. (via healthday) according to unicef about 330,000 childrenworldwide acquired hiv from their mothers through pregnancy or birth in 2011.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

breastfeeding and flu shot

breastfeeding and flu shot

every second of your life, you are under attack. billions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi are trying to make you their home. so our bodies have developed a super complex little army with guards, soldiers, intelligence, weapons factories, and communicators to protect you from...well...dying for this video, let's assume the immune system has 12 different jobs. for example, kill enemies, communicate, etc. and it has 21 different cells and 2 protein forces these cells have up to 4 different jobs. let's assign them. here are the interactions. now, let's make this understandable.

first of all, let's add colors to the jobs. now let's illustrate the cells. the central color represents the main job of the cell. while the surrounding ones represent secondary duties. now the immune system looks like this. now the interactions. isn't this complexity just awesome? for this video we will only talk about these cells and ignore the rest. so, what happens in the case of an infection?

it's a beautiful day, when suddenly, a wild rusty nail appears and you cut yourself. the first barrier of the immune system is breached: your skin. nearby bacteria seize on the opportunity and enter your wound. they start using up the body's resources and double their numbers about every 20 minutes. at first, they fly under the radar, but when a certain bacteria population is reached they change their behavior and start to damage the body by changing the environment around them. the immune system has to stop them as fast as possible. first of all, your guard cells, known as macrophages, intervene. they are huge cells that guard every border region of the body.

most of the time, they alone can suffocate an attack because they can devour up to 100 intruders each. they swallow the intruder whole and trap it inside a membrane. then the enemy gets broken down by enzymes and is killed. on top of that, they cause inflammation by ordering the blood vessels to release water into the battlefield so fighting becomes easier. you notice this as a very mild swelling. when the macrophages fight for too long, they call in heavy backup by releasing messenger proteins that communicate location and urgency.

neutrophils leave their patrol routes in the blood and move to the battlefield. the neutrophils fight so furiously that they kill healthy cells in the process. on top of that, they generates barriers that trap and kill the bacteria. they are, indeed, so deadly that they evolved to commit suicide after five days to prevent them from causing too much damage. if this is not enough to stop the invasion, the brain of the immune system kicks in. the dendritic cell gets active, it reacts to the signals of the soldiers and starts collecting samples from the enemies. they rip them into pieces and present the parts on their outer layer. now the dendritic cell makes a crucial decision. should they call for anti-virus forces that eradicate infected body cells...

or an army of bacteria killers? in this case, anti-bacteria forces are necessary. it then travels to the closest lymph node in about a day. here, billion of helper and killer t cells are waiting to be activated. when t cells are born they go trough a difficult and complicated training process and only a quarter survives. the surviving cells are equipped with a specific set-up. and the denditric cell is on its way looking for a helper t cell with the set-up that's just right. it's looking for a helper t cell that can bind the parts of the intruders which the dendritic cell has presented on its membrane.

when it finally finds one, a chain reaction takes place. the helper t cell is activated, it quickly duplicates thousands of times. some become memory t cells that stay in the lymph node and will make you practically immune against this enemy, some travel to the field of battle to help out. and the third group goes on to travel to the center of the lymph node to activate a very powerful weapons factory. like the t cells, they are born with a specific set-up and when a b cell and a t cell with the same set-up meet, hell breaks loose. the b cell duplicates rapidly and starts producing millions of little weapons.

they work so hard that they will literally die from exhaustion very fast. here helper t cells play another important role, they stimulate the hard working factories and tell them: "don't die yet, we still need you, keep going!" this also ensures that the factories die if the infection is over so the body doesn't waste energy or hurt itself. but what is produced by the b cells? you've heard of them of course, antibodies, little proteins that are engineered to bind to the surface of the specific intruder. there are even different kinds of antibodies that have slightly different jobs. the helper t cells tell the plasma cells which type is needed the most in this particular invasion.

millions of them flood the blood and saturate the body. meanwhile, at the site of infection, the situation is getting dire. the intruders have multiplied in number and start hurting the body. guard and attack cells fight hard, but also die in the process. helper t cells support them by ordering them to be more aggressive and to stay alive longer. but without help they can't overwhelm the bacteria. but now, the second line of defense arrives. billions of antibodies flood the battlefield and disable lots of the intruders, rendering them helpless or killing them in the process.

they also stun the bacteria and make them an easy target. their back is built to connect to killer cells, so they can connect and kill the enemy more easily, macrophages are especially good at nomming up the bacteria which antibodies have attached to. now the balance shifts, in a team effort, the infection is wiped out. at this point, millions of body cells have already died, no big deal, the losses are quickly replenished. most immune cells are now useless and without the constant signals they commit suicide, so as not to waste any resources. but some stay behind: the memory cells. if this enemy is encountered ever again in the future, they will be ready for it and probably kill it before you even notice. this was a very, very simplified explanation of parts of the immune system at work.

can you imagine how complex this system is, even at this level, when we ignore so many players and all the chemistry. life is awfully complicated, but if we take the time to understand it, we'll encounter endless wonders and great beauty.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

breastfeeding and coffee

breastfeeding and coffee

somebody's moms internationally aretaking multitasking to the next level there's a mom in chinawho is a recently stopped by police on a moped handle her hand on the handlebarssimultaneously breastfeeding her child 18 mobile site writing down the street the badass or just bad just well okay so let me three practices i'mnot a mom i think it's just bad but this you're not alone in this thisis pretty much international epidemic officer the plant now i'm damage it'shard to see how it looks like it's crazy

it is a great leaders like a websitededicated to it to this it's great it's really come fire so these moms are like look if my kidshungry i'm feeling it i don't care what you'resaying offices of course the argument against that obvious rightyou know you're engaging your own life their child's life and of course driverson the road around you up so the question is is this is more orless dangerous than texting and driving i'm going to gowith slightly more dangerous during that there's a baby about

i yeah you would think that with theobvious but these my mid-twenties months is actually quoted as saying it's not like i'mtrying to change a diaper or something it's not like i'm on my cell phone isubmit the talking on a cell phone cause this far more destruction the nursingyour child while it's just lying there like a pillow soland little a dissident as your every just explained have it inchina was your friend ted don't it's not as international we dohere at home yes sir yes yes yes so far you know the one was in june 2008 fromdrive from mad

detroit to pittsburgh inc stop ohioturnpike 1 2009 also in ohio so i don't know thisisn't in the midwest and ok in ohio stress do this up by i like the woman's name catherine dunkers yeagathering doctors was like what's the big deal man okay i'm not ready to diefor yea itself i don't think i could handleit i'll just say that i can't put on lipstick and drive so this would be ambitious for me yeahall bahut

but also i don't know what it's like tohave a screaming baby in so i think for some of these moms they're just like whatever it takes to shut the kid up i'mgonna do it i no of course i totally understand thatand i wouldn't be very judgmental about wedo with your kids because i have kids spite rapid so i've been there sister iunderstand you gotta pull over to the side there you gohave to because there you go you i mean look one of them had the kid upagainst the steering wheel that's dangerous yeah i mean like if youhave an accident

the airbag deploys of goodnight ireneits i mean let alone in their bag doesn'tlook right right house of the baby you can't hold a baby and that's the wholepoint you have the baby in the bbc that all times that so hard-and-fast all over your for good reason so this isoverwhelmingly guilty there's no question about it yesup but also having kids i mean danger on kid that way your of racism and i don't care how busy youri don't know how urgent you think the situation is

ambos totally outside about to say thisthat i get a parent like doesn't get to that place would you dofeel like you can't do all these tasks and manage themsuccessfully got like parrots are the king and queen of multitasking is do you get like %uh some supermanfeeling at some point impairing now now not know rights yeah they lookat you you multitask it oftentimes disrupt that so you just gotta know your prioritieswhen you're multitasking so if you're carrying

the water or coffee run everything isokay and like looks like oh my god i something's gonna fall let the coffeefor my bucket okay here you can see what i'm sayingfound something to me it's very hard to clean up if you have issues but don't drop itdon't get as my word to the wise yeah i stevo as three kids look at hispicture the great thing is he's a rest home itbecause he doesn't get injured yeah i i right how awesome that picturehe's like i don't hear her nowhere home it my wife my kids throughthe back

no helmet breastfeeding yeah it's thesame thing i don't think this baby helmets because i don't think this post for mymotorcycle there yet because you didn't fit in she likes i've that i know this other than i even likea she's a bit early on bill poet fell that's insane man how badthat's a look again a i'm gonna be a slide down hereat once those a divall an accident in turkey i wasn'tdriving i was on a bus and i got any made a sudden stop and itwas a truck to pick up truck behind it

slammed into the back of the bus thereare people who were sitting in the pickup art and and they flew outyou know my it was like the grisly is terror mostterrible thing i've ever seen after that i took zero percent chance ison any seat belt any big not remotely manyou see people on the road like that rate you never score ourshit like that

Monday, August 22, 2016

breastfeeding a toddler

breastfeeding a toddler

hi guys! it's angel with makingbabytaylor, and i am here with erin! erin: hello! erin, why don't you tell them about your channel? my channel name is gentle thrifty mama yes yeah she does awesome mommy type stuff yeah so one thing that

i watched her make recently was a video about breastfeeding and so it was nice to know that she was a fellow mom who breastfeeds toddlers yes, yeah and that's something that's near and dear to my heart so i wanted to talk about nursing a toddler with her today what are some of the best things about it? what are some of the worst things about it?

maybe some tips about it ya know, things like that sure because i feel like there's not a lot of support right for nursing past infancy ya know? (yeah) it drops off a lot as far as people who do it

a lot of people feel kinda alienated a lot of people hide it because they feel like it's not socially acceptable and so it's kind of one of those things people don't really talk about very much but it's still very normal yes! very normal biologically, emotionally...

and all that i don't know about you... but one of the main reasons why i continue to nurse into toddlerhood is because it's still beneficial for their health, ya know, specifically not just their nutrition yes! it does still have nutritional value

it doesn't stop being nutritious so, ya know, if you've got a picky eater, you don't have to worry about are they getting enough? ya know, if they're still nursing they're getting calories, and fat, and vitamins that they need it's also great for their immune system because their immune system still

is developing a lot into their second year, and it's not even done until they're like, five? so it can still support their immune system in those years where it needs a little bit of an extra boost kids get sick all the time yeah, yes

it's so all encompassing to their body, and their well being, and emotionally. yes. for their- to be able to branch out and start to be independent and not feel insecure. right. and it's also good for mom!

it will help... the more months, cumulatively, that you nurse, the bigger it decreases your risk of breast cancer so i've got... (laughs) four and a half years racked up so far... awesome! so my risk is like this big yeah! (laughs)

it's like 90 something now? totally yeah it's a huge decrease in that risk it's also nice that- i mean obviously it's not totally eliminated it never is but it's nice that i know that it's still doing something good for me aside from burning some extra calories...

yeah! but it's good for mom, it's good for baby. that's why i continue i like to go until at least 2, and after that kinda she turned 2 a month and a half ago we're still going i don't know, ya know..

i kinda play it by ear because you never know, they grow so gradually it's not like you're nursing a baby, and bam! all of a sudden you have this big toddler they grow slowly and they still feel like your baby and you look at them and you're like

i know you're 2, but you're so little still and you still need me and it doesn't feel weird! i thought- ya know before i had my son, and when he was a little baby, i thought it might be weird it's not weird. it's totally not weird.

i know lots of people nurse even 4 year olds.. my son self weaned a little bit before he turned 2 and a half so i look at him and i'm like, i could not imagine nursing him right now! yeah but had you done it- but because we stopped 2 years ago exactly ya know, if we were still going

it's such a gradual thing... it's seamless, it happens. right, right. yeah i- it's funny because moms who usually say, "oh, i'll nurse until 2, " "and then not beyond" but as someone who's nursing an older toddler, like, over 2,

there's not a hard line at 2 years old that you just are like, "i'm done!" i thought maybe there would be? i wasn't sure because it was new territory for me i didn't nurse my first son so... my only son, my other child and so, ya know, i was like, 'how would i feel?' but there's no, there's no time

so it doesn't just stop at 2 so we are still nursing and we're just going to continue on until she weans or if i've had enough which... it's so convenient right now like, she only nurses, um, in the morning and she actually, sadly, doesn't nurse in the evening anymore so ya know, it's so convenient that why stop?

unless she wants to or or i for some reason down the road want to it's a two person relationship so if it's working for both of you, keep going if it's not working for one of you for whatever reason, then yeah, there's nothing wrong if you've just hit your limit

and you're like, "i can not..take another..bad latch!" yeah (laughs) that's.. yeah i just can't! ya know, then yeah kerrigan, she right now, for the past like, couple of months she's- i don't know what it is but she keeps on not wanting to stick out her tongue ok

to latch yeah and her latch is pinchy and i'm like ahhhh and i keep having to correct it and i don't know what her deal is i don't know why all of a sudden is she teething? like molars? she cut those awhile ago.. yeah i...

yeah so i haven't gotten to that point where i'm just like, "i'm done, done." because i can still- as long as i remind her to stick out her tongue now latch on then it's fine yeah the lazy latch.. she still needs me a lot it's funny because there's some days

where she nurses a bunch! through the day and feels like she has to nurse to sleep she like panics and then there's other days... like yesterday granted we were driving here but we stopped a couple of times and everything she.. i nursed her when she was still, like

asleep.. real quick before she went back to bed like, i don't know, 6 in the morning? sometime early in the morning before we woke up and then we woke up and we got dressed and i finished packing we started driving... she didn't nurse at all that whole time

then when we got to the hotel we went swimming so she even saw me get undressed she didn't want to nurse until we got back after we were done with the pool to get ready for bed that was at, like, 11:30 pm so way more than 12 hours

but yeah! so i mean, she went all that time without it just fine so it's like... it naturalizes things, sort of yeah nursing a toddler is not like nursing a little tiny baby no who nurses all the time it's not like that

some toddlers will do it on demand if the mom is comfortable with that but usually it's really short though they don't hang out for like 20 minutes every single time it's like 2 minutes, ok, i'm gonna go play so it's ya know you feel like if you're nursing this little baby

and you're like, "i can not imagine having to sit like half my day" it's not like that nursing a toddler... no and i actually particularly chose to not have it be like that i day weaned my- yes miriam, my daughter um, not like.. it just sort of happened naturally

but i would distract her more often during the day yeah they ask to nurse and it's like, "oh well, do this first" and then they forget about it so when people think of like nursing a toddler they think like, 'oh i'm going to be strapped to them' ' to this kid forever' but it's not like that at all at least in my experience, it's not

and i think the thing i like about nursing toddlers is because they also.. even if you do nothing, they will, on their own, gradually wean yes! and cut down and that's better for your body instead of bam! cold turkey weaning

like, hormonally hormonally, you're more likely to have depression and also, like mastitis and plugged ducts. it's not comfortable guys not fun it hurts so with my son it was so great, yeah

i did not experience any of that yeah, i feel like right now it's sad to say, but i feel like we're slowly weaning more and more like, i just dropped the before bed, um, nursing which was very hard but it can be done

um, actually, i think it was very hard emotionally but actually, it was very easy because she's ready to do that i think another benefit of nursing a toddler is the weaning process, at least in my experience, has been easy ya know? i... "easy"

because now they're in the point where they can be ready to do it exactly. ya know, when they're a small baby, babies very rarely naturally wean before age one and pretty rarely don't naturally wean before age 2 most babies will go until at least age 2 if you make it completely up to them

so once they're, ya know, an older toddler, they might be ready, and if they're ready it's easy no fighting, no if she asks to nurse and i'm like, "not right now" sometimes, she will throw a tantrum an epic tantrum! she will hit me it's not pretty

i've had, i've had- it's hard yeah, i've had some of that, yeah so i could imagine trying to completely cut off her if she wasn't ready yeah cold turkey because that would just be so... yikes. i mean, ya know, if you're there and you're ready

of course you'll push through, but of course but that seems like it wouldn't be very pleasant, though of course, you just have to do what's right for you if you want to do that great obviously but yeah at the end of the day

it really does come down to it's easier to wean an older child and i still, i still like having those tools in my tool belt yeah me too i like having it if 'oh, i need her to go to sleep right now' so if i nurse her, she'll go to sleep oh, she just hit her head really hard

and she's crying and she's tough she rarely cries when she hurts herself, so if she's crying, i know she *hurt* herself and she could be so beside herself, but i latch her on, and then she calms and then she's like, 'ok.' and then she's fine ya know, obviously you can still manage both of those things without nursing

but it just makes it easier for sure another thing i love about nursing a toddler, which is totally off topic, but there is just something so sweet about your child like, asking you for it and saying please yeah, it's so cute!

it's just- like, the manners that come around asking to nurse-i want milk! yeah! "please?" ya know, it's just- i don't know-yeah some people think like, as soon as your kid can ask for it like that's, that's it technically a baby asks for it by crying, or-yeah, yeah

cal knew the sign for it yeah-when he was 4 months old like i was not gonna.. just hearing them vocalize that it really does melt your heart at least for me, i find it to it sets some, creates some ground work for them to learn to ask politely-yeah! for things and-exactly! and boundaries

personal boundaries right! ya know, i teach her.. like if she tries to... "uh, that's not how we ask nicely.." yeah!-"how do we ask nicely?" and yeah and they totally do it-"yeah, like, this is my personal space" because they're so motivated because they want to nurse-yeah

exactly-so they will do whatever you want them to yeah (laughs) yeah, yeah so then it translates because she's learning good manners for other things -yeah that are unrelated so true because it has set that groundwork now as far as unpleasant things...

so i touched on, like, her latch when they get older, for some reason when they're toddlers, they're just more likely to not have a good latch they just get lazy about it they know how to do it and then when they're babies... or they do the "oh i wanna see what's going on over that"-yeah

yeah, uh ow! you're still attached!-woah! ouch! because they're so busy and then the up and down and up because they're so busy they'll come, they'll wanna latch on she'll nurse for like a minute and then they'll go play and then five minutes later,

they wanna nurse again-yeah and just back and forth and it's just like, "oh my god! no!"-yeah my daughter, now she'll be like on one side, and then the other she'll say, "other side" and then she'll be like, "other side!" yes!"other side!" and i'm like, "nooo" ok. yeah

so yeah, and like i said the tantrums... that's not fun yeah it's not fun so yeah, i mean there's obviously some things that are not perfect it's not all sunshine and rainbows and it's obviously not for everyone if you don't wanna do it for whatever reason that is, that's totally fine

always, as i always say ya know, we all have our different comfort levels... but, ya know, this particular.. i'm kinda speaking to the other moms do it or the moms who are open to the idea... and kinda wonder what that's like what it looks like-i want people to know that it's normal! totally normal! so, i mean

nothing freaky or weird about it it may be, like, by society at large, it's a little less socially acceptable especially nursing in public is less socially acceptable with toddlers, but it's still normal so there you have it alright, so definitely head over to erin's channel and check out her video that we're doing

and also subscribe if you like it because i know you will! thanks for watching, guys, bye! "i have really thick hair, and it's really hard to brush" "especially when my hair is wet" "so i'm... yes." "i'm all about this." "i have another thing from cabot. cab-it? cab-ott?" "cab-it?"

"cab-ott?" "it's a cheese slicer!" "which is great! you can do thick or thin" "there's 2 different.. widths here" "and... we don't have a really good cheese slicer" "like, the one we have is really bad" "and i hate it" "so i usually just slice cheese with a regular knife" "which is also not great"

"so i love this, because i love cheese" "and this will make it so much easier to eat cheese" "last, but not least," "a gorton's bag" "i loooove bags like this"

Friday, August 19, 2016

breastfeeding a newborn

breastfeeding a newborn

hi! i'm rachel. this video's going to show how to do front wrap cross carry with a newborn in a woven wrap. the first thing i'm going to do is find the middle marker of my wrap. i put the middle marker at the middle of my chest. i hold that with one hand. with the other hand reach behind me and find the top edge of my wrap. i bring that up and over my opposite shoulder, so that it spreads nice and wide across my back. do the same on the other side. bring it across my back and over the opposite shoulder. so now i have a horizontal pass in the front

which i am going to bunch now and two tails. at this point i'm ready to pick up my baby. this is ellie. she's two months old. i hold her as if i'm going to burp her. i take one hand through the horizontal part and guide her feet through. i seat her on the bunched pass. i take a moment to position her before i do anything else. i make sure her knees are higher than her bottom.

she has a gentle curve of the spine, and head nice and high on my body so i can easily kiss it. now that i have her positioned, i will simply shape the wrap around her body. i take the top edge of the wrap and spread it over her back. i bring it to the nape of her neck. i bring the bottom third of the wrap in between us. the bottom edge of the wrap makes a straight line from knee to knee. i can reach in from the side to bring the fabric up between us and guide the knees higher than the bottom. this helps her hold her legs in the m shaped position.

the next thing i want to do is tighten. i keep one hand on her. with the other hand, i find the top edge of my wrap (the part closest to my neck). i lift my elbow out a little bit so the wrap doesn't get caught under my arm. i pull the top and tighten. then i pull the middle of the width and the bottom. i hold the tail with one hand. with the other i feed any slack that is caught under my arm toward the back. i do the same thing on the other side. i pull the top of the wrap (closest to my neck) to tighten, while holding my elbow up. this keeps wrap slack from being caught under my arm. then i tighten the middle of the width and feed the slack to my hand. i tighten through the bottom of the width, and feed that slack down to my hand. so the secret to wrapping is to tighten each part of the wrap.

don't just pull the whole tail at once. take the time to tighten each individual strand of the width of the wrap. next i want to get a nice comfortable shoulder. i hold one tail at her bum, supporting her. i lift the other tail up, pull a little and shape it neatly on my shoulder. same on this side. i lift the tail, pull a little, and shape it neatly on my shoulder. i cross the two tails under her bottom. then i take both tails under her legs. i tie a double knot in back. now, i'm done! that's a front wrap cross carry! her knees are higher than her bottom. her spine is nice and straight.

if she seems a little crooked, i can lean forward and shift to help her straighten up (and retighten if needed) she's well supported through her back and to the nape of her neck. if this top edge is too loose, you can feed the slack around under your arm, over to the shoulder and then back to the knot. if your baby wants to nurse (and my baby wants to nurse) i can loosen the knot take the cross passes and pull them while bouncing gently. she is almost low enough to nurse. i will loosen a little more. now she's low enough to nurse. i'm going to shift her to the side we want to nurse on. then from here, you reach under the shoulder strap

and lean forward a little bit (while supporting your baby) to latch on. the secret is to lean forward a little and aim your breast up toward baby. leaning forward helps you get baby latched. and then you're nursing! it's not always hands free, especially with a newborn. i find i usually need to keep a hand on the baby's head or on my breast to help baby maintain the latch. if i want a little more privacy, i can spread the cross passes. another thing i love to do for more privacy is just put a sun hat on baby. then i can still see her whole face while she nurses, but there's a little more coverage.

when you've finished nursing, you don't want to leave the baby in this low position that they were in to nurse. what you want to do is re-position the baby to a high, tight carry. if baby has fallen asleep, you can do this without disturbing them. you want baby's head high on your chest. i put one hand at the nape of her neck and one on her bottom. i lean forward a little bit and then lift her up on my chest where i want her. leaning forward prevents pushing her into a curled position while raising her higher on my body. it gets rid of the friction between us so i can re-position her easily. now holding her nice and snug with one hand, i tighten.

i take each tail, pull it snug and then feed the slack down, tucking it under her knee. i do the other tail as well, pull to tighten, feed slack back toward the knot. i tighten the knot and tie a double knot. the top edge is a little loose, so i feed some slack under my arm, across my back and over to my shoulder. see all that extra slack! i take that and feed it back down and toward the knot. i find the slack and pull it through the half knot. i could also just retie the knot.

when i'm done i tie a double knot. now she is once again nice and high on my body. if i want more support for her head while she's sleeping, i can take one cross pass and spread it out over her back and the back of her head. sometimes that gets a little extra slack. i tuck it under her leg. you can also feed it back through the knot. that gives her some extra support for her head. i can still fit two fingers under her chin. i can see her whole face. she's well supported and i can go about whatever i need to do! that's front wrap cross carry! thanks!