Monday, November 7, 2016

breastfeeding is hard

breastfeeding is hard

i feel like, the firstsix weeks were so hard. i, i didn't know how hard they'dbe, and so it kind of scared me and made me think, "am i alwaysgonna be so overwhelmed, "am i never gonna sleep,and is breastfeeding always gonna be this challenging?" and... no. it's not. i mean, i got the hang of it anddenver and i got into a routine. and we began to justwork well together.

now, nursing is, i mean,it's wonderful. those few times a day wherei nurse him, it's like, that's mommy and denver time. and we get to kind of snuggletogether and quiet down together and i love it. it's just, it's cool to knowthat we can have that kind of relationship, that i can sodirectly impact his health and his growth,so early in life.

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